/globec/nep/cgoa/ltop/secm_nuts --cruise_id eq jc0510-- Level 2

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# Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM)
#  Nutrients and CTD, 1997-2006
#  PI: Alex C. Wertheimer  (NOAA - Auke Bay Lab, AK)
station  lat     lon       
ABM      58.37   -134.67   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9081     07           26         1245        207.5312     nd        nd          16.50  13.30  52       45         108.00   4             20          0.88   10.47  6.24   0.12   2.79   0.56   1.10   
jc0510     2005  9081     07           26         1245        207.5312     nd        nd          16.50  13.30  52       45         108.00   4             0           0.00   0.26   0.00   0.00   0.77   0.62   0.09   
station  lat     lon       
ISA      58.22   -135.53   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9086     07           28         0725        209.3090     nd        nd          14.00  12.50  99       90         180.00   4             20          1.22   33.46  15.50  0.17   0.82   1.94   0.82   
jc0510     2005  9086     07           28         0725        209.3090     nd        nd          14.00  12.50  99       90         180.00   4             0           0.35   15.23  5.10   0.11   0.29   3.83   0.09   
station  lat     lon       
ISB      58.24   -135.49   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9087     07           28         0855        209.3715     nd        nd          13.00  13.10  187      174        58.00    3             0           0.08   5.91   0.18   0.04   0.49   1.23   0.29   
jc0510     2005  9087     07           28         0855        209.3715     nd        nd          13.00  13.10  187      174        58.00    3             20          1.52   40.29  19.24  0.20   1.08   1.72   0.98   
station  lat     lon       
ISC      58.25   -135.44   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9088     07           28         1230        209.5208     nd        nd          16.30  13.40  255      200        259.00   3.5           20          0.97   33.00  14.45  0.19   1.61   1.48   0.79   
jc0510     2005  9088     07           28         1230        209.5208     nd        nd          16.30  13.40  255      200        259.00   3.5           0           0.02   6.01   0.12   0.05   1.08   2.66   0.24   
station  lat     lon       
ISD      58.27   -135.4    
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9089     07           28         1430        209.6042     nd        nd          16.70  13.10  216      200        252.00   3.5           20          1.09   31.00  16.28  0.21   1.28   0.94   0.66   
jc0510     2005  9089     07           28         1430        209.6042     nd        nd          16.70  13.10  216      200        252.00   3.5           0           0.06   5.16   0.00   0.01   0.31   2.54   0.48   
station  lat     lon       
UCA      58.08   -135      
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9098     07           30         1320        211.5556     nd        nd          20.60  12.70  354      50         642.00   4             0           0.17   4.43   0.50   0.01   0.30   4.11   0.10   
jc0510     2005  9098     07           30         1320        211.5556     nd        nd          20.60  12.70  354      50         642.00   4             20          0.93   30.72  19.30  0.29   1.39   0.22   0.23   
station  lat     lon       
UCB      58.1    -135.02   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9097     07           30         1130        211.4792     nd        nd          20.70  13.20  174      50         299.00   4             0           0.12   4.39   0.11   0.00   0.32   1.16   0.16   
jc0510     2005  9097     07           30         1130        211.4792     nd        nd          20.70  13.20  174      50         299.00   4             20          1.55   30.11  18.30  0.26   1.21   0.18   0.39   
station  lat     lon       
UCC      58.13   -135.07   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9096     07           30         0930        211.3958     nd        nd          17.10  13.60  165      50         339.00   4             20          1.04   27.00  16.53  0.26   1.57   0.31   0.41   
jc0510     2005  9096     07           30         0930        211.3958     nd        nd          17.10  13.60  165      50         339.00   4             0           0.07   3.20   0.00   0.00   0.35   0.59   0.17   
station  lat     lon       
UCD      58.16   -135.04   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9095     07           30         0805        211.3368     nd        nd          15.50  13.80  145      50         136.00   3.5           20          0.81   11.65  8.97   0.17   2.63   0.66   0.47   
jc0510     2005  9095     07           30         0805        211.3368     nd        nd          15.50  13.80  145      50         136.00   3.5           0           0.00   2.91   0.00   0.00   0.36   0.56   0.14   
station  lat     lon       
LCA      55.13   -131.8    
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9056     07           21         0715        202.3021     nd        nd          27.00  14.40  441      197        49.00    4             20          0.80   12.84  6.28   0.35   1.52   0.52   0.30   
jc0510     2005  9056     07           21         0715        202.3021     nd        nd          27.00  14.40  441      197        49.00    4             0           0.27   9.02   0.00   0.02   0.47   1.81   0.53   
station  lat     lon       
LCB      55.12   -131.85   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9057     07           21         0940        202.4028     nd        nd          27.00  14.90  459      200        155.00   3.5           0           0.59   9.98   0.05   0.01   1.68   1.85   0.34   
jc0510     2005  9057     07           21         0940        202.4028     nd        nd          27.00  14.90  459      200        155.00   3.5           20          0.97   14.05  7.50   0.38   1.56   0.36   0.23   
station  lat     lon       
LCC      55.12   -131.95   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9058     07           21         1215        202.5104     nd        nd          26.90  14.90  463      200        1050.00  5             0           0.20   8.87   0.00   0.03   0.42   1.65   0.40   
jc0510     2005  9058     07           21         1215        202.5104     nd        nd          26.90  14.90  463      200        1050.00  5             20          0.47   6.54   2.47   0.12   0.69   0.61   0.33   
station  lat     lon       
LCD      55.12   -131.95   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9059     07           21         1420        202.5972     nd        nd          26.80  15.70  348      200        930.00   5             0           0.14   5.01   0.00   0.00   0.42   1.08   0.30   
jc0510     2005  9059     07           21         1420        202.5972     nd        nd          26.80  15.70  348      200        930.00   5             20          0.58   10.99  3.74   0.24   0.76   1.01   0.48   
station  lat     lon       
MCA      55.39   -131.92   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9063     07           22         1340        203.5694     nd        nd          25.70  15.30  433      50         785.00   4             0           0.16   7.45   0.07   0.01   0.16   2.04   0.45   
jc0510     2005  9063     07           22         1340        203.5694     nd        nd          25.70  15.30  433      50         785.00   4             20          0.81   21.74  9.03   0.34   0.85   0.25   0.29   
station  lat     lon       
MCB      55.4    -131.97   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9062     07           22         1200        203.5000     nd        nd          23.80  15.60  468      50         816.00   4.5           20          0.49   16.05  3.71   0.21   1.20   0.55   0.42   
jc0510     2005  9062     07           22         1200        203.5000     nd        nd          23.80  15.60  468      50         816.00   4.5           0           0.15   7.50   0.00   0.00   0.98   1.19   0.37   
station  lat     lon       
MCC      55.42   -132.02   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9061     07           22         1000        203.4167     nd        nd          24.80  15.00  405      50         639.00   4             20          0.79   23.17  6.49   0.40   1.21   0.47   0.34   
jc0510     2005  9061     07           22         1000        203.4167     nd        nd          24.80  15.00  405      50         639.00   4             0           0.13   11.87  0.12   0.00   0.76   0.60   0.13   
station  lat     lon       
MCD      55.43   -132.07   
cruise_id  year  haul_id  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat_haul  lon_haul    sal    temp   depth_w  depth_ctd  light    depth_secchi  depth_nuts  PO4    SiO4   NO3    NO2    NH4    chl_a  phaeo  
jc0510     2005  9060     07           22         0825        203.3507     nd        nd          24.50  15.20  450      50         503.00   4             20          0.87   18.98  8.09   0.38   0.94   0.52   0.43   
jc0510     2005  9060     07           22         0825        203.3507     nd        nd          24.50  15.20  450      50         503.00   4             0           0.17   10.08  0.12   0.02   0.25   1.31   0.16