cruise_id |
Cruise Id, e.g., AL9306 represents the R/V Albatross cruise 9306
dimensionless |
cruise_id |
year |
Four digit year.
year |
brief_desc |
Type of research or study conducted on the cruise, e.g., process, survey or broadscale.
dimensionless |
brief_desc |
haul_id |
Haul number, submitted by PI as tow.
dimensionless |
haul_id |
lat |
Latitude in decimal degrees.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude in decimal degrees where negative values denote West of the prime meridian.
decimal degrees |
lon |
yrday0_local |
Day of year at local time, where Jan1 is day zero.
dimensionless |
yrday0_local |
day_local |
Day of month in local time.
dimensionless |
day_local |
month_local |
Month of year in local time.
dimensionless |
month_local |
time_local |
Local time of observation or tow, originally reported as EDST (Eastern Daylight Savings Time).
hhmm |
time_local |
length_day |
Number of hours between civil sunrise and civil sunset, originally reported as day_length.
decimal hours |
length_day |
temp_avg |
Average temperature, as observed by a CTD unit, "primary sensor", ITS 68 or 90 scale, reported in degrees C. For BONGO: average of measurements recorded from 60m to surface.
Degrees celsius |
temp |
sal_avg |
Average salinity, calculated from the CTD "primary sensors" of conductivity and temperature, Practical Salinity Scale, dimensionless. For BONGO: average of measurements recorded from 60m to surface.
dimensionless |
sal |
sigma_t_avg |
Average sigma-t density, in kg/m3 - 1000. For BONGO: average of measurements recorded from 60m to surface.
kg/m^3 - 1000 |
sigma_t |
depth_w |
Water depth in meters.
meters |
depth_w |
depth_tow_max |
Maximum depth of a towed instrument.
meters |
depth_tow_max |
sample |
Unique identifier for obtained samples.
dimensionless |
sample |
length |
Length of dead larval specimen, originally reported as larva_len.
mm |
length |
common_name |
Common name of sample, originally reported as species. Cod = Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock is Melanogrammus aeglefinus.
dimensionless |
common_name |
size_class |
Larval size groupings (classes), based on actual or predicted protein content of a larva. If pro <= 50 micrograms then size_class=1. If 50 < pro <= 193 then size_class=2. If 193 < pro <= 1200 then size_class=3. If pro > 1200 then size_class=4.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
prot_total |
Total amount of protein in a larva.
micrograms |
no_bcodmo_term |
Total amount of RNA in a larva.
micrograms |
no_bcodmo_term |
Total amount of DNA in a larva.
micrograms |
no_bcodmo_term |
rings |
Total number of visible rings on an otolith, beginning at the hatch check or nucleus.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
sagitta_diam |
Total diameter of sagitta otolith as measured with microscope micrometer; originally reported as sag_diam.
microns |
no_bcodmo_term |
sagitta_chk_diam |
Diameter of sagitta otolith up to the hatch check (nucleus) measured with microscope micrometer; originally reported as sag_chk_diam.
microns |
no_bcodmo_term |
lapillus_diam |
Total diameter of lapillus otolith, measured with microscope micrometer; originally reported as lap_diam.
microns |
no_bcodmo_term |
growth |
Instantaneous protein-specific growth rate (G per day) estimated from G = -0.147 + 0.009(avg_temp)+ 0.045(sRD), where sRD is the standardized ratio of RNA to DNA (reported in the data as RNA_DNA). Equation had been validated for cod and haddock larvae with protein content <=1200 micrograms.
G per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
The ratio of RNA to DNA standardized to a DNA/RNA standard curve slope ratio of 2.43; originally reported as srd.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
prot_predicted |
Predicted total amount of protein in larvae missing protein data. For cod, predicted protein = (20.67*DNA) + 2.91. For haddock, predicted protein = (20.01*DNA) - 3.22. This parameters was originally reported as predict_pro.
micrograms |
no_bcodmo_term |