Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Trees, Charles C. | San Diego State University (SDSU) | Principal Investigator |
Chandler, Cynthia L. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Particulate absorption data
See Platform deployments for cruise specific documentation
Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Chuck Trees Particulate absorption methodology Arabesque 1 and Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Particulate matter was collected by filtering approximately 1.1 liters of sample through 25 mm GF/F glass fiber filters having a nominal pore size of 0.7 micrometers. Spectral absorption was measured on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3b dual beam spectrophotometer. Diffuse absorption coefficients for total particulate matter was calculated using the equations described in the SeaWiFS Optical Protocols (Mueller and Austin, 1995) and a pathlength amplification factor determined from two diatom cultures. The amplification factor, beta, is calculated by plotting optical densities on a filter versus optical densities in suspension and fitting a 2nd order polynomial to the data. The Beta factor for the Lambda 3b is ODs = 0.3090*(ODf) + 0.5473*(ODf)**2, r**2 = 0.993. Hot methanol was used to extract pigmented compounds from the filtered sample, and the bleached filter was then measured to estimate detrital absorption. The difference between the two measurements represent absorption by phytoplankton pigments. The units for the particulate absorption are in per meter; measurements have been scaled by the volume filtered and the area of the filter on which the particles were deposited. Charles C. Trees Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing San Diego State University
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particle_absorp_TT045.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 950.43 KB) MD5:693f45d819ffb20bf5e494451605fdc8 version July 2, 2002 (previous version November 13, 1998) Chuck Trees Particulate absorption data from TM casts, except 03211425, 04011001 from CTD casts Thomas Thompson cruise TTN045; Arabian Sea Process Cruise 2 ** NOTE: Level 1 data contains 175 wave lengths of data ** |
particle_absorp_TT053.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 1.07 MB) MD5:8423f4826d121a36fdaac7cd4911f459 version July 2, 2002 (previous version November 13, 1998) Chuck Trees Particulate absorption data from CTD casts Thomas Thompson cruise TTN053; Arabian Sea Process Cruise 6 ** NOTE: Level 1 data contains 175 wave lengths of data ** |
particle_absorp_TT054.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 690.07 KB) MD5:b2d2854387d85c77149772f08c847438 version July 2, 2002 (previous version November 13, 1998) Chuck Trees Particulate absorption data from CTD casts Thomas Thompson cruise TTN054; Arabian Sea Process Cruise 7 ** NOTE: Level 1 data contains 175 wave lengths of data ** |
Parameter | Description | Units |
event | event number from event log | |
sta_std | Arabian Sea standard station identifier | |
sta | station number from event log | |
cast | CTD cast number, from event log | |
lat | latitude (negative = south) | decimal degrees |
lon | longitude (negative = west) | decimal degrees |
sample | particulate or detrital | |
depth_n | sample depth | meters |
wl_XXX | measured absorption at wavelength XXX nm | meter^-1 |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Niskin Bottle |
Generic Instrument Name | Niskin bottle |
Dataset-specific Description | CTD/Niskin Rosette bottles. |
Generic Instrument Description | A Niskin bottle (a next generation water sampler based on the Nansen bottle) is a cylindrical, non-metallic water collection device with stoppers at both ends. The bottles can be attached individually on a hydrowire or deployed in 12, 24, or 36 bottle Rosette systems mounted on a frame and combined with a CTD. Niskin bottles are used to collect discrete water samples for a range of measurements including pigments, nutrients, plankton, etc. |
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Platform | R/V Thomas G. Thompson |
Start Date | 1995-10-29 |
End Date | 1995-11-26 |
Description | Methods & Sampling PI: Chuck Trees of: San Diego State University dataset: Particulate absorption data dates: October 29, 1995 to November 25, 1995 location: N: 24.3274 S: 10.0823 W: 56.4858 E: 67.1664 project/cruise: Arabian Sea/TTN-053 - Process Cruise 6 (bio-optics) ship: Thomas Thompson Arabian Sea particulate absorption data Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Chuck Trees Particulate absorption methodology Arabesque 1 and Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Particulate matter was collected by filtering approximately 1.1 liters of sample through 25 mm GF/F glass fiber filters having a nominal pore size of 0.7 micrometers. Spectral absorption was measured on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3b dual beam spectrophotometer. Diffuse absorption coefficients for total particulate matter was calculated using the equations described in the SeaWiFS Optical Protocols (Mueller and Austin, 1995) and a pathlength amplification factor determined from two diatom cultures. The amplification factor, beta, is calculated by plotting optical densities on a filter versus optical densities in suspension and fitting a 2nd order polynomial to the data. The Beta factor for the Lambda 3b is ODs = 0.3090*(ODf) + 0.5473*(ODf)**2, r**2 = 0.993. Hot methanol was used to extract pigmented compounds from the filtered sample, and the bleached filter was then measured to estimate detrital absorption. The difference between the two measurements represent absorption by phytoplankton pigments. The units for the particulate absorption are in per meter; measurements have been scaled by the volume filtered and the area of the filter on which the particles were deposited. Charles C. Trees Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing San Diego State University |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Thomas G. Thompson |
Start Date | 1995-03-14 |
End Date | 1995-04-10 |
Description | Methods & Sampling PI: Chuck Trees of: San Diego State University dataset: Particulate absorption data dates: October 29, 1995 to November 25, 1995 location: N: 24.3274 S: 10.0823 W: 56.4858 E: 67.1664 project/cruise: Arabian Sea/TTN-053 - Process Cruise 6 (bio-optics) ship: Thomas Thompson Arabian Sea particulate absorption data Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Chuck Trees Particulate absorption methodology Arabesque 1 and Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Particulate matter was collected by filtering approximately 1.1 liters of sample through 25 mm GF/F glass fiber filters having a nominal pore size of 0.7 micrometers. Spectral absorption was measured on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3b dual beam spectrophotometer. Diffuse absorption coefficients for total particulate matter was calculated using the equations described in the SeaWiFS Optical Protocols (Mueller and Austin, 1995) and a pathlength amplification factor determined from two diatom cultures. The amplification factor, beta, is calculated by plotting optical densities on a filter versus optical densities in suspension and fitting a 2nd order polynomial to the data. The Beta factor for the Lambda 3b is ODs = 0.3090*(ODf) + 0.5473*(ODf)**2, r**2 = 0.993. Hot methanol was used to extract pigmented compounds from the filtered sample, and the bleached filter was then measured to estimate detrital absorption. The difference between the two measurements represent absorption by phytoplankton pigments. The units for the particulate absorption are in per meter; measurements have been scaled by the volume filtered and the area of the filter on which the particles were deposited. Charles C. Trees Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing San Diego State University |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Thomas G. Thompson |
Start Date | 1995-11-30 |
End Date | 1995-12-28 |
Description | Methods & Sampling PI: Chuck Trees of: San Diego State University dataset: Particulate absorption data dates: October 29, 1995 to November 25, 1995 location: N: 24.3274 S: 10.0823 W: 56.4858 E: 67.1664 project/cruise: Arabian Sea/TTN-053 - Process Cruise 6 (bio-optics) ship: Thomas Thompson Arabian Sea particulate absorption data Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Chuck Trees Particulate absorption methodology Arabesque 1 and Process Cruises 2, 6 and 7 Particulate matter was collected by filtering approximately 1.1 liters of sample through 25 mm GF/F glass fiber filters having a nominal pore size of 0.7 micrometers. Spectral absorption was measured on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3b dual beam spectrophotometer. Diffuse absorption coefficients for total particulate matter was calculated using the equations described in the SeaWiFS Optical Protocols (Mueller and Austin, 1995) and a pathlength amplification factor determined from two diatom cultures. The amplification factor, beta, is calculated by plotting optical densities on a filter versus optical densities in suspension and fitting a 2nd order polynomial to the data. The Beta factor for the Lambda 3b is ODs = 0.3090*(ODf) + 0.5473*(ODf)**2, r**2 = 0.993. Hot methanol was used to extract pigmented compounds from the filtered sample, and the bleached filter was then measured to estimate detrital absorption. The difference between the two measurements represent absorption by phytoplankton pigments. The units for the particulate absorption are in per meter; measurements have been scaled by the volume filtered and the area of the filter on which the particles were deposited. Charles C. Trees Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing San Diego State University |
The U.S. Arabian Sea Expedition which began in September 1994 and ended in January 1996, had three major components: a U.S. JGOFS Process Study, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF); Forced Upper Ocean Dynamics, an Office of Naval Research (ONR) initiative; and shipboard and aircraft measurements supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Expedition consisted of 17 cruises aboard the R/V Thomas Thompson, year-long moored deployments of five instrumented surface buoys and five sediment-trap arrays, aircraft overflights and satellite observations. Of the seventeen ship cruises, six were allocated to repeat process survey cruises, four to SeaSoar mapping cruises, six to mooring and benthic work, and a single calibration cruise which was essentially conducted in transit to the Arabian Sea.
The United States Joint Global Ocean Flux Study was a national component of international JGOFS and an integral part of global climate change research.
The U.S. launched the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) in the late 1980s to study the ocean carbon cycle. An ambitious goal was set to understand the controls on the concentrations and fluxes of carbon and associated nutrients in the ocean. A new field of ocean biogeochemistry emerged with an emphasis on quality measurements of carbon system parameters and interdisciplinary field studies of the biological, chemical and physical process which control the ocean carbon cycle. As we studied ocean biogeochemistry, we learned that our simple views of carbon uptake and transport were severely limited, and a new "wave" of ocean science was born. U.S. JGOFS has been supported primarily by the U.S. National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy and the Office of Naval Research. U.S. JGOFS, ended in 2005 with the conclusion of the Synthesis and Modeling Project (SMP).
Funding Source | Award |
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) |