Rotation order parameters in each trial of Antarctic krill in lab experiments at Palmer Station, Antarctica in November 2022.

Data Type: experimental
Version: 1
Version Date: 2024-03-26

» Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations (Krill Aggregation)
Murphy, DavidUniversity of South Florida (USF)Principal Investigator
Garayev, KuvvatUniversity of South Florida (USF)Student, Contact
Soenen, KarenWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Laboratory experiments were conducted on schools of Antarctic krill in the novel annular flume at Palmer Station, Antarctica, in November 2022. Using overhead camera along with stereophotogrammetry system the swimming trajectories of krill were recorded while altering flow and light levels in the tank. The purpose of the study is to understand how Antarctic krill schooling structure changes under environmental cues such as flow and light, with the hope that distribution of these important species can be predicted through knowledge of the environment in the wild. Southern Ocean ecologists, biologists, and oceanographers in general could benefit from this work. Kuvvat Garayev and David Murphy from University of South Florida were responsible for the collection and interpretation of data.


Location: Palmer Station, Antarctica

Methods & Sampling

We deployed on the R/V Laurence M. Gould to Palmer Station, Antarctica in October - December 2022. On the way, we collected krill using an Isaac-Kidd Midwater Trawl net at the following locations: 63°06.5′ S, 61°46.6′ W (on October 5th, 2022) and 64°37.9′ S, 62°14.5′ W (on October 6th, 2022). Krill were kept in two tanks with a continuous seawater supply on the boat until being transferred to holding tanks at the Station. Additional krill were collected from Wilhelmina Bay (64°42.0′ S, 62°16.6′ W) on November 12th by the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer, transported to Palmer Station, and added to the same holding tanks filled with filtered seawater (100 µm).

Data Processing Description

For rotation order parameters (Or) we manually annotated krill right eyes in ImageJ 1.53c at three frames (initial, middle, and last) in 5 min recording.

“rotation order parameters (Or)” is for plotting the strength of schooling in each trial where strength is assessed by calculating the parameter named Or (Tunstrøm, et al., 2013). “rotation order parameters (Or)” contains two folders: “coordinates” and “images”; and one spreadsheet: “rotation order parameters.xlsx”

“coordinates” contains .csv files of krill coordinates in the three images throughout ~5min videos for each of 40 trials at different conditions. Files are named as trial #_image #. For example, file 4_3.csv belongs to the 3rd image of trial 4. Raw images are included in “images” folder, and trial dates, times, names, flow and light conditions, and calculated Or values are given in rotation order parameters.xlsx file.

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Related Publications

Tunstrøm, K., Katz, Y., Ioannou, C. C., Huepe, C., Lutz, M. J., & Couzin, I. D. (2013). Collective States, Multistability and Transitional Behavior in Schooling Fish. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(2), e1002915.

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recording date in ISO format (yyy-mm-dd)


trial number the experimenter used


flow level in the tank, no flow (0 mm/s), low flow (7 mm/s mean flow speed), high flow (22 mm/s mean flow speed)


light level in the tank, total dark and bright (0.1 and 9.5 micromol/m2/s, respectively, based on photon fluxes in 400-700 nm wavelength range)


number of krill in a liter of water in the tank


expected approximate number of krill in the tank


number of krill tracked in that image


rotation order parameter of krill in that image


image on which Or was calculated


mean of all three Or values


standard deviation of all three Or values


name of the recording file coincides with the time in hour-min-sec.msec format the recording took place


name of related image file (.tif) found in supplemental files of this dataset


name of related coordinate file (.csv) found in supplemental files of this dataset


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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Name
Machine Vision Camera System
Dataset-specific Description
Four  4 cameras (5 MP AVT Mako) were time synchronized using StreamPix software and recorded to a system at 20 Hz frame rate (Norpix, Canada). Overhead camera (Camera 1) is equipped with a 8 mm focal length lens (M0824-MPW2, Computar) whereas stereo cameras (Cameras 2-4) are equipped with 25 mm focal length lenses (M3520-MPW2, Computar).
Generic Instrument Description
A machine vision camera captures images or videos of a scene, which are then processed and analyzed using machine vision algorithms.

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Project Information

Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations (Krill Aggregation)

NSF Award Abstract:
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) are an ecologically important component of the Southern Ocean's food web, yet little is known about their behavior in response to many features of their aquatic environment. This project will improve understanding of krill swimming and schooling behavior by examining individual responses to light levels, water flow rates, the presence of attractive and repulsive chemical cues. Flow, light and chemical conditions will be controlled and altered in specialized tanks outfitted with high speed digital camera systems so that individual krill responses to these factors can be measured in relevant schooling settings. This analysis will be used to predict preferred environments, define the capacity of krill to detect and move to them (and away from unfavorable ones). Such information will then be used to improve models that estimate the energetic costs of behaviors associated with different types of environments. Linking individual behavior to those of larger krill aggregations will also improve acoustic assessments of krill densities. Understanding the capacity of krill to respond to environmental perturbations will improve our understanding of the ecology of high latitude ecosystems and provide relevant information for the management of krill fisheries. The project will support graduate and undergraduate students and provide training for as post-doctoral associate. Curricular materials and public engagement activities will be based on the project's aims and activities. Project investigators will share model results and predictions of krill movements and school structure with experts interested in krill conservation and management.

The project will use horizontal and vertical laminar flow tunnels to examine krill behavior under naturally relevant conditions. Horizontal (1-10 cm per second) and vertical (1-3 mm per second) flow velocities mimic naturally relevant current patterns, while light levels and spectral quality will be varied from complete darkness to intensities experienced across the depth range inhabited by krill. Attractive phytoplankton odor will be created by dosing the flumes to obtain background chlorophyll a levels approximating average and bloom conditions, while repulsive cues will be generated from penguin guano. Behavior of individual krill in all conditions will be video recorded with cameras visualizing X-Y and Y-Z planes, and 3D movements will be reconstructed by video motion analysis at a 5 Hz sampling rate. The distribution of horizontal and vertical swimming angles and velocities will be used to create an individual based model (IBM) of krill movement in response to each condition, where krill behavior at each model time step is based on random draws from the velocity and angular distributions. Since krill commonly travel in groups, further experiments will examine the behavior of small krill schools in these same conditions to further parameterize variables such as individual spacing. Researchers will examine krill aggregation structure from 3D video records of krill swimming in a specially designed kriesel tank, and compute nearest neighbor distances (NND) and correlations of swimming angles among individuals within the aggregation. Krill movements in the IBM will be constrained to adhere to observed NND and angular correlations. Large scale oceanographic models will be used to define spatial environments in which the modelled krill will be allowed to move using simulated schools of 1000-100,000 krill. Model output will include the school swimming speed, direction and structure (packing density, NND). Researchers will compare available acoustic data sets of krill schools in measured flow and phytoplankton abundance to evaluate the model predictions.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Office of Polar Programs (formerly NSF PLR) (NSF OPP)

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