Dataset: Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer Data 2016
Deployment: Muller_Looe_Key_Reef_Acropora

Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer Data
View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Erinn M. Muller (Mote Marine Laboratory, Mote)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

This dataset contains Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator (IPAM) Fluorometer data collected during various Acropora cervicornis treatment experiments. The data include photosynthetic maximum yield (mY), maximum electron transport rate (mETR), the irradiance at which maximum ETR is reached (mPAR), and the initial slope of the ETR curve (alpha). The experiments were conducted in tanks at Summerland Key, Florida (24.6616,-81.4538) between 2016-07-12 and 2016-09-09 with corals from a nursery located near Looe Key Reef (24.5636, -81.2786). 

The tank numbers listed in this dataset are the same tanks included in the following datasets:

Acropora cervicornis buoyant weight
Acropora cervicornis calcification rates
Acropora cervicornis photosynthesis and respiration rates


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