Introduction to BCO-DMO
MISSION: To work with Principal Investigators to serve data and related information online from research projects funded by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Sections, and the Office of Polar Programs at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Contributing Data or Other Project Results
If you would like more information about BCO-DMO or information about contributing data to the BCO-DMO collection, please see our Resources page or contact us.
Terms of Use
The data sets and supporting documentation from oceanographic research projects are freely available from this database as long as one follows the terms of use, including the understanding that any such use will properly acknowledge the originating Investigator. BCO-DMO recommends that you contact the original principal investigator (PI) should you require additional information about the data beyond what is available on this site. In the event that the data originator is not available, please contact BCO-DMO ( for guidance.
Need help?
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the BCO-DMO initiative or would like to discuss publication of data or results from your project.
Have Feedback?
Do you have comments or suggestions? We welcome your feedback!