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<h2>U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study<br>
Sediment Composition</h2>
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<img height=1 width="100%" http://us
jgofs.whoi.edu/images/greendot.gif" alt="-- line--">
<b> Processing notes:</b> <br>
<i> December 2002, Warren Prell </i>
1. Data for -1 to O interval are measure on unconsolidated phytodetritus layer<br>
sitting on top of sediment water interface<br>
2. Letter for each core refers to a multicore section<br>
3. Opal determined using Mortlock and Froelich (1989, DSR, vol 36, 1415-1426)<br>
4. CaCO3 detemined on automated Carbonate rig similar to Ostermann et al. (1990)<br>
5. CaCO3-ICP = 2.5* Ca determined from ICP.<br>
6. Corg and N% determined using technique of Verardo et al. (1990, DSR, 37, 157-165)<br>
7. Ca, Mn, Fe, Al, Ti, and P determined on ICP-AES using technique of<br>
Murray and Leinen (1996, GCA, 3869-3878)<br>
8. Density calculated from dried weight of known volume of sample extruded from subcore<br>
9. Sedimentation rates estimated from C-14 dating of monospecific foraminifer shells<br>
from sampled depths. For all but JGOFS-1, both menardii and sacculifer (when available)<br>
ages were used to calculate sedimentation rate. In practice JGOFS-5 had one sacculifer<br>
and 5 menardii and Owen Ridge 2 had 8 menardii and 6 sacculifer, the rest have only<br>
menardii. For JGOFS-1, the data on the 2 species measured were significantly different<br>
so two separate rates were calculated- one for each species (C14_sed_rate calculated <br>
from G. menardii, and C14_sed_rate_2 from G. sacculifer). <br>
<img height=1 width="100%" http://us
jgofs.whoi.edu/images/greendot.gif" alt="-- line--">
Mortlock, R.A., and Froelich, P.N., 1989. A simple method for the rapid
determination of biogenic opal in pelagic marine sediments. Deep-Sea Res.,
Ostermann, D.R., Karbott, D., and Curry, W.B., 1990. Automated system to
measure carbonate concentration of sediments. Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst.
Tech. Rept., WHOI-90-03.
Verardo, D., Froelich, P.N., and McIntyre, A., 1990. Determination of
organic carbon and nitrogen in marine sediments using the Carlo Erba NA-1500
analyzer. Deep-Sea Research, 37: 157-165.
Murray, R. W. and Leinen, M. 1996. Scavenged excess aluminum and its
relationship to bulk titanium in biogenic sediment from the central
equatorial Pacific Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 60 (20):