PI: Will Berelson and Doug Hammond
of: University of Southern California
dataset: Porosity and pore water nutrient chemistries, sediment cores
dates: November 03, 1992 to December 04, 1992
location: N: 8.925 S: -12.0032 W: -140.15 E: -134.9483
project/cruise: EqPac/Cruise TT013 - Benthic survey
ship: R/V Thomas Thompson
McManus, J., D.E. Hammond, W.M. Berelson, T.E. Kilgore. D.J. DeMaster, O.
G. Ragueneau, and R.W. Collier. 1995. Early diagenesis of biogenic opal:
Dissolution rates, kinetics, and paleoceanographic implications. Deep Sea
Research. 42, 871-903.
Hammond, D.E., J. McManus, W.M. Berelson, T.E. Kilgore, and R. Pope, 1996,
Early diagenesis of organic material in Equatorial Pacific Sediments:
Stoichiometry and Kinetics. Deep Sea Research II, 43, 1365-1412.
PI Notes:
1..Ammonia and Nitrate+Nitrite appear to be significantly influenced by artifacts
related to core retrieval and centrifugation.
2..Measured silicic acid has been temperature corrected for warming during
3..Bottom water (BW) values are from (whole-core squeezing (WCS) cores, hydro data
or landers).
4..Porosity is defined as the fraction of sediment volume occupied by pore
water, so it is dimensionless. The prodecure used to measure it was to
weigh sediment wet, dry the sediment at 60� C until it reached a constant
weight, and re-weigh. A density of solid phases D=2.6 g/cc, and a salinity
S=35 psu were assumed. The porosity was calculated from the expression
below, where Ww is wet weight and Wd is dry weight (both corrected for the
tare weight of the empty container):
Porosity = Vpw/(Vpw+Vsed)
where Vpw = Ww/(0.99)
and Vsed = (Wd - (Ww-Wd)(S/990))/D
The factor 0.99 is grams H2O per cc sea water, and the factor 990 is grams
H2O per kg sea water.
DMO Note:
1..Additional porosity/pore water data for this area are available from PACFLUX II,
a JGOFS pilot project. See Berelson and Hammond's por_nut_chem_PF2 porosity and pore water
nutrient chemistry data from the PACFLUX II cruise.