See SOIREE Preliminary Voyage Report
CTD data processing followed standard procedures.
These processes routinely result in pressure, temperature, salinity and
dissolved oxygen data that conform to WOCE Hydrographic Programme standards
(see WOCE HP Operations Manual WHP 91-1).
with the measurements referenced
(calibrated against) their respective international standards.
For SOIREE, the main exception was that there was no water-sample dissolved
oxygen data collected during the cruise. This meant that the dissolved O2
data could not be reliably calibrated to WOCE standards and that they are
only crudely indicative. It would be possible to somewhat further enhance
these dissolved O2 data by applying a calibration from a previous or
following cruise that used the same sensor.
BCO-DMO Processing Notes
Generated from original .mat files provided on the Deep-Sea Research II 48 (2001) accompanying CD-Rom
Matlab scripts:
Format_SOIREE_CTDmat_Files_with_DerivedParams.m v11July2008
Output_CTD_HeaderFile_With_Event.m v17July2008
used to reformat the CTD data and generate the header file
- Calculated Potential Density, Potential Temperature and depth as derived parameters
- Corrected o/p formats of some parameters to conform to BCO-DMO convention
- Outputted header files to a separate file and eliminated them from the data o/p files