dates: 24 January 2002 to 21 February 2002 (20020124-20020221)
location: N: -52.56100 S: -66.61150 W: -172.69267 E: -166.94733
15 August 2008: Prepared for OCB data system by Cyndy Chandler, OCB DMO (WHOI) from documentation contributed by Jacques Olivier, Helen Quinby, Robert Daniels, and Hugh Ducklow
Original Excel file contributed: 8 November, 2002
and downloaded from MBARI by OCB DMO:
copy of original Excel file
Contact: Jacques Oliver (Email:
R/V Melville Bacterial Measurements Methodology
Bacterial Abundance Flow cytometry (FCM)
1. 9.5 ml sample from CTD or TM rosette, fixed to final concentration of 1% formaldehyde
2. Sample frozen at -80 C
3. On land, triplicate samples were analyzed using a Beckman-Coulter Epics Altra equipped with an Enterprise II laser at 488 nm using 190mV (intra-sample variation).
4. About 100 ml of sample were measured following Troussellier et al. (1999) with addition of 2.5 mM SYTO 13 and a 10 minute incubation.
5. This analysis was done on triplicate 1.0 ml samples to which 1.0 mm beads (Molecular Probes, Fluo Spheres, F-8888) were also added at a 10E6/ml concentration.
The beads determined flow rate and uniformity in fluorescence signal. Discrimination was done on a positive green fluorescence and the plot was green fluorescence (devoid of any red fluorescence) against side scatter. Analytical variation was 3%.
Reference: Troussellier, M., C. Courties, P. Lebaron, and P.Servais. 1999. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29: 319-330.
Bacterial Abundance Acridine orange direct counts (AODC)
1. 10-15 ml sample fixed to final concentration of 1% formaldehyde
2. Sample filtered onto 0.2 micron blackened polycarbonate filter
3. Filter stained with 45% (w/v) acridine orange
4. Filter mounted onto glass slide with immersion oil and coverslip
5. Bacteria enumerated via epifluorescence microscopy
6. Intra-sample variation reported
Reference: Kirchman, D., Sigda, J., Kapuscinski, R., and Mitchell, R. 1982. Appl. Envrion. Microbiol. 44:376-382
Bacterial Production Thymidine (TdR) and Leucine (Leu) Incorporation
1. 1.6 ml sample spiked with tritiated thymidine or tritiated leucine
2. Samples run in triplicate with one negative control containing 6% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
3. Samples incubated at in situ temperatures in the dark for 8-20 hours (depending on water temp)
4. Incubation stopped by adding TCA (6% final conc.) to each sample
5. Nucleic acid extracted with TCA and ethanol
6. 1.6 ml Ultima Gold scintillation cocktail added
7. 3 minute counts on each sample on scintillation counter
Reference: Smith, D.C. and Azam, F. 1992. Mar. Microb. Food Webs. 6:107-114.