Header information from Sea-Bird SBE 9 Bottle (.btl) Data file:
Temperature SN = 4406; Conductivity SN = 1474
Number of Bytes Per Scan = 40; Number of Voltage Words = 5
Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1
Sensor Channel 1: Frequency 0, Temperature; Sensor ID = 55; Serial Number = 4406
Calibration Date: 14-Feb-12
UseG_J: 1
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; F0_Old: 0.000
G: 4.33630903e-003
H: 6.36463726e-004
I: 2.06290680e-005
J: 1.71729728e-006
F0: 1000.000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.0000
Sensor Channel 2: Frequency 1, Conductivity; Sensor ID = 3; Serial Number = 1474
Calibration Date: 14-Feb-12
UseG_J: 1; Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors.
SeriesR: 0.0000; CellConst: 2000.0000; ConductivityType: 0
Coefficients equation = 0
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000 M: 0.0
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
Coefficients equation = 1
G: -4.21351634e+000
H: 5.39243337e-001
I: -2.08827162e-004
J: 3.95099976e-005
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008; CTcor: 3.2500e-006
WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1.
WBOTC: 0.00000000e+000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.00000
Sensor Channel 3: Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC; Sensor ID = 45; Serial Number = 69685 in 090484 vertical orientation
Calibration Date: 12/18/2002
C1: -4.680530e+004; C2: -8.320595e-001; C3: 1.450810e-002
D1: 3.903100e-002; D2: 0.000000e+000
T1: 3.038361e+001; T2: -5.411459e-004; T3: 4.085080e-006; T4: 2.564540e-009
Slope: 0.99995000; Offset: 0.00000
T5: 0.000000e+000
AD590M: 1.280820e-002; AD590B: -9.210198e+000
Sensor Channel 4: Frequency 3, Temperature, 2; Sensor ID = 55; Serial Number = 2271
Calibration Date: 14-Feb-12
UseG_J: 1
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; F0_Old: 0.000
G: 4.33365550e-003
H: 6.41046238e-004
I: 2.31654312e-005
J: 2.15092946e-006
F0: 1000.000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.0000
Sensor Channel 5: Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2; Sensor ID = 3; Serial Number = 2707
Calibration Date: 14-Feb-12
UseG_J: 1; Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors.
SeriesR: 0.0000
CellConst: 2000.0000
ConductivityType: 0
Coefficients equation = 0
A: 0.00000000e+000; B: 0.00000000e+000; C: 0.00000000e+000; D: 0.00000000e+000; M: 0.0
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008
Coefficients equation = 1
G: -1.07258216e+001
H: 1.55968861e+000
I: -1.50749109e-003
J: 2.09512327e-004
CPcor: -9.57000000e-008; CTcor: 3.2500e-006
WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1.
WBOTC: 0.00000000e+000
Slope: 1.00000000; Offset: 0.00000
Sensor Channel 6: A/D voltage 0, Fluorometer, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL; Sensor ID = 20; Serial Number = FLNTURTD-1013
Calibration Date: april 18, 2008
ScaleFactor: 6.00000000e+000
Vblank: 0.0800
Sensor Channel 7: A/D voltage 1, User Polynomial; Sensor ID = 61; Serial Number = FLNTURTD-1013
Calibration Date: april 18, 2008
SensorName: turbidity
A0: 0.15800000
A1: 2.00000000
A2: 0.00000000
A3: 0.00000000
Sensor Channel 8: A/D voltage 2, PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor; Sensor ID = 42; Serial Number = 4550
Calibration Date: 13-Mar-2008
M: 1.00000000
B: 0.00000000
CalibrationConstant: 77519400000.00000000
Multiplier: 1.00000000
Offset: -0.01906000
Sensor Channel 9: A/D voltage 3, Transmissometer, Chelsea/Seatech/WET Lab CStar; Sensor ID = 59; Serial Number = CST-1117DR
Calibration Date: 05-Aug-2011
M: 21.0530
B: -0.1537
PathLength: 0.250
Sensor Channel 10: A/D voltage 4, Altimeter; Sensor ID = 0; Serial Number = 1133
Calibration Date:
ScaleFactor: 14.950
Offset: 0.200
Sensor Channel 11: A/D voltage 5, Oxygen, SBE 43; Sensor ID = 38; Serial Number = 0723
Calibration Date: 11-Feb-12
Use2007Equation: 1
CalibrationCoefficients equation = 0
Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation:
Boc: 0.0000; Soc: 0.0000e+000
Offset: 0.0000
Pcor: 0.00e+000; Tcor: 0.0000
Tau: 0.0
CalibrationCoefficients equation = 1
Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later.
Soc: 5.5281e-001
Offset: -0.5125
A: -2.4781e-003
B: 9.2148e-005
C: -1.8426e-006
D0: 2.5826e+000
D1: 1.92634e-004
D2: -4.64803e-002
E: 3.6000e-002
Tau20: 1.3300
H1: -3.3000e-002
H2: 5.0000e+003
H3: 1.4500e+003
Sensor Channel 12: A/D voltage 6, Free
Sensor Channel 13: A/D voltage 7, Free
Sensor Channel 14: SPAR voltage, Unavailable
Sensor Channel 15: SPAR voltage, SPAR/Surface Irradiance; Sensor ID = 51; Serial Number = 6294
Calibration Date: 2008-03-13
ConversionFactor: 1826.90000000
RatioMultiplier: 1.00000000
datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes
datcnv_ox_tau_correction = yes
datcnv_bottle_scan_range_source = scans marked with bottle confirm bit, 0, 5
bottlesum_ox_tau_correction = yes