Dataset: BATS CTD Profiles
Deployment: BATS_cruises

PRELIMINARY: Two decibar-averaged CTD profiles from BATS sites
View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Nicholas Bates (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, BIOS)
Rodney J. Johnson (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, BIOS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Dana Stuart Gerlach (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Preliminary and in progress
Deployment Synonyms:
 Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study cruises
Version Date: 

Please note:  The data presented here are in "as-received" format and have not yet been processed by BCO-DMO.

Profiles of basic CTD measurements of (Pressure, Depth, Temperature, Conductivity, and Salinity)  are reported along with dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation, and relative fluorescence, at one-decibar averages.  The profiles were collected during monthly hydrographic cruises to the BATS site at 31° 40' N 64° 10'W and during biweekly cruises to a neighbouring location (32°10′N 64°30′W), known as Hydrostation "S."

More information about this dataset deployment