site |
Name of individual reef site.
text |
site |
lat |
Latitude of the reef site.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude of the reef site.
decimal degrees |
lon |
surface_area |
Surface area of reef (meters squared).
m^2 |
no_bcodmo_term |
time_of_day |
Classified as Dawn, Midday, or Dusk
text |
time_of_day |
count_start |
Number of lionfish present at the reef at the start of the observation.
integer |
count |
count_end |
Number of lionfish present at the reef at the end of the observation.
integer |
count |
count_avg |
Average number of lionfish present on the reef at that site at that observation (average of lionfish number start and end) .
number |
count |
density_start |
Lionfish density at site at the start of the observation (number of lionfish per meter squared).
#/m^2 |
no_bcodmo_term |
density_end |
Lionfish density at site at the end of the observation (number of lionfish per meter squared).
#/m^2 |
no_bcodmo_term |
density_avg |
Average density of lionfish present on the reef at that site at that observation (average of lionfish density start and end) in number per meter sqaured.
#/m^2 |
no_bcodmo_term |
cloud_cover_pcnt |
Percent cloud cover.
% |
cloud_pct |
temp_F |
Temperature underwater (measured with dive computer) in degrees F.
degrees F |
no_bcodmo_term |
obs_id |
Unique number given to each focal lionfish observation.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
date |
Date of observation (month/day/year).
mm/dd/YYYY |
date |
time_start |
Time of the start of the observation (24-hr clock).
time_start |
time_end |
Time of the end of the observation (24-hr clock).
time_end |
depth_ft |
Depth of site (measured with dive computer) in feet.
feet |
no_bcodmo_term |
location |
Area of reef where lionfish was found at the start of the observation.
text |
site_descrip |
current_strength |
Current strength: L=low; M=medium; H=high.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
len_tot |
Estimate of lionfish size in total length (centimeters).
cm |
fish_len |
rest_prop |
Proportion of time during the 10-minute observation the focal lionfish spent resting.
proportion |
no_bcodmo_term |
hover_prop |
Proportion of time during the 10-minute observation the focal lionfish spent hovering.
proportion |
no_bcodmo_term |
swim_prop |
Proportion of time during the 10-minute observation the focal lionfish spent swimming.
proportion |
no_bcodmo_term |
hunt_prop |
Proportion of time during the 10-minute observation the focal lionfish spent hunting.
proportion |
no_bcodmo_term |
num_strikes |
Number of times lionfish struck (attempt) at a potential prey fish during the 10-minute period.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
prey_species_struck |
Species code for prey fish lionfish struck at (first two letters are first two letters of genus and second two letters are first two letters of species).
code |
taxon_code |
num_blowing |
Number of times lionfish used the blowing technique at a prey during the 10-minute period.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
prey_species_blew |
Species code for prey fish lionfish blew at (first two letters are first two letters of genus and second two letters are first two letters of species).
code |
taxon_code |
num_kills |
Number of times lionfish successfully killed a prey fish during the 10-minute period.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
prey_species_killed |
Species code for prey fish lionfish killed (first two letters are first two letters of genus andsecond two letters are first two letters of species).
code |
taxon_code |
person |
Initials of observer of lionfish activity.
text |
person |
notes |
Any additional notes.
text |
comment |