date |
Date when data were collected.
mm/dd/YYYY |
date |
site |
Name of experimental reef site.
text |
site |
lat |
Latitude of experimental reef site.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude of experimental reef site.
decimal degrees |
lon |
area |
Approximate area of hard substrate at each reef location.
square meters |
no_bcodmo_term |
depth_min |
Approximate minimum depth at reef location.
meters |
depth_min |
depth_max |
Approximate maximum depth at reef location.
meters |
depth_max |
reef_pair_code |
Reef pair code. Reefs with same code were paired based on similarities in reef area; type; depth and location. One reef in each pair was assigned to one of the two lionfish treatments.
code |
no_bcodmo_term |
nearest |
Approximate distance to nearest natural reef.
meters |
no_bcodmo_term |
tidal_chan |
Approximate distance to nearest tidal channel.
meters |
no_bcodmo_term |
ex_sound |
Approximate distance to nearest edge of Exuma Sound.
meters |
no_bcodmo_term |
substrate_type |
Short description of predominant substrate type.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
site_treatment |
Experimental treatment type. LOW = low lionfish density; HIGH = high lionfish density.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
replicate |
Replicate number of algal-covered substrate observed.
integer |
replicate |
treatment |
Relative lionfish presence treatment (where grazing on replicate substrata were observed): CTRL = within low-lionfish density reef where lionfish are absent; LABS = within high-lionfish density reef where lionfish are absent; LPRS = within high-lionfish density reef where lionfish are present
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
ledge_pair |
Ledges where replicate substrata were placed in order to observe grazing were paired by similar microhabitat within reefs (10 pairs per reef).
code |
no_bcodmo_term |
ledge_treatment |
Lionfish presence-absence at time of observation.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
filmed |
Whether replicate was filmed with an underwater camera or observed by a SCUBA diver. Y = yes; N = no.
Y or N |
no_bcodmo_term |
obs_time |
Amount of time replicate was observed.
minutes |
time_elapsed |
algal_pcnt_init |
Initial algal percent cover of each replicate substrate prior to observation.
percentage |
no_bcodmo_term |
algal_pcnt_final |
Final algal percent cover of each replicate substrate following observation.
percentage |
no_bcodmo_term |
algal_loss |
Total loss in algal percent cover of each replicate substrate (difference between initial and final percent cover).
percentage |
no_bcodmo_term |
fish_count_tot |
Total number of fish (of all families) observed grazing on introduced substrate per replicate.
integer |
count |
bites_tot |
Total number of bites (from all families) observed on introduced substrate.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
prey_tot |
Total number of fish (from all families) <10 cm total body length (TL) observed grazing on introduced substrate per replicate.
integer |
count |
prey_bites_tot |
Total number of bites from fish (from all families) <10 cm TL observed on introduced substrate.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
adult_tot |
Total number of fish (from all families) >10 cm TL observed grazing on introduced substrate per replicate.
integer |
count |
adult_bites_tot |
Total number of bites from fish (from all families) >10 cm TL observed on introduced substrate.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
graze_rate |
Total number of bites per observation time.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
family |
Family name.
text |
family |
family_common |
Common name of family.
text |
family |
count |
Total number of fish of the family observed on introduced substrate. (Equal to prey_num + adult_num)
integer |
count |
number_of_bites |
Total number of bites observed on introduced substrate per family of fishes. (Equal to prey_bites + adult_bites)
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
prey_num |
Number of prey fish (<10 cm TL) of the family observed on introduced substrate.
integer |
count |
prey_bites |
Number of bites observed by prey fish (<10 cm TL) of the family on introduced substrate.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |
adult_num |
Number of adult fish (>10 cm TL) of the family observed on introduced substrate.
integer |
count |
adult_bites |
Number of bites observed by adult fish (>10 cm TL) of the family on introduced substrate.
integer |
no_bcodmo_term |