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Dataset: comparative lionfish growth
Deployment: LSI_Reef_Surveys_09-12

Data on lionfish juvenile growth patterns in the Bahamas, Guam, and Philippines.
Lead Principal Investigator: 
Mark Hixon (Oregon State University, OSU)
Katherine Cure (University of Guam Marine Laboratory, UOGML)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
19 Aug 2013
Version Date: 

Data on lionfish tagged for an assessment of juvenile growth patterns in the native Pacific (Guam and the Philippines) vs. invasive Atlantic (Bahamas and Caymans). Data from the Cayman Islands are in separate dataset: see the comparative lionfish growth - Caymans dataset.

Related Publications:
Cure, et al. (2012); Pusack, et al. (2016)

More information about this dataset deployment