CTD Processing:
The SBEDataProcessing package of SeasoftV2 software was used for CTD Processing.
CTD Processing Overview; 4 steps:
(1) Data Conversion – converts the raw hex data to engineering units;
(2) Align CTD – aligns the Oxygen Voltage data with an appropriate advance time;
(3) Bin Average – averages the variables over bins of the specified size;
(4) ASCII Out – creates text files that can be read by other programs.
For more details, see the CTD Metadata for the 2010-2012 TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises (PDF).
TSS and chl_a were calculated using the following equations:
2010 Data:
TSS May/June: y = 1.3396x + 24.35 where x = OBS_NTU..
TSS July/Aug/Sept: y = 1.6991x + 26.139 where x = OBS_NTU.
chl_a May/June: y = 26.527x - 2.7618 where x = voltage (V4).
chl_a July/Aug/Sept: y = 22.251x + 0.8101 where = voltage (V4).
2011 Data:
TSS May/June: y = 1.5307x + 1.7239 where x = OBS_NTU.
TSS July/Aug/Sept: y = 1.5087x + 4.6136 where x = OBS_NTU.
chl_a May/June: y = 8.1264x + 5.8107 where x = voltage (V4).
chl_a July/Aug/Sept: y = 12.328x + 0.3111 where x = voltage (V4).
2012 Data:
TSS May/June: y = 1.5049x + 2.284 where x = OBS_NTU.
TSS July/Aug/Sept: y = 1.2666x + 6.3753 where x = OBS_NTU.
chl_a May/June: y = 10.387x + 0.315 where x = voltage (V4).
chl_a July/Aug/Sept: y = 17.801x - 3.1581 where x = voltage (V4).
BCO-DMO Processing:
- Modified parameter names;
- Replaced '-9.99e-29' with 'nd' ('no data').