The original acquisition and processing of these data was documented in cruise reports and peer-reviewed papers:
Hunt, M. and P.H. Wiebe. l980. A data base for zooplankton net tow data. W.H.O.I. Technical Report 80-28. 65 pp.
Joyce, T.M., & Wiebe, P.H. (1983). Warm core rings of the Gulf Stream. Oceanus, 26(2), 34-44.
McGowan, J. A., & Brown, D. M. (1966). A new opening-closing paired zooplankton net. Scripps Institute of Oceanography Reference, 66/23, 1–56.
Ring Group (Backus, R.H., G.R. Flierl, D. Kester, D.B. Olson, D. Richardson, A. Vastano, P.H. Wiebe and J. Wormuth). (1981). Gulf Stream cold core rings: Their physics, chemistry, and biology. Science, 212, 1091-1100.
Wiebe, P.H., E.M. Hulburt, E.J. Carpenter, A.E. Jahn, G.P. Knapp, III. S.H. Boyd, P.B. Ortner, and J.L. Cox. 1996. Gulf Stream cold core rings: Large scale interaction sites for open ocean planktonic communities. Deep-Sea Res. 23: 695-710.
Wiebe, P.H. and G.R. Flierl. 1983. Euphausiid invasion/dispersal in Gulf Stream cold core rings. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 34(4): 625-652.
Wiebe, P.H., N.J. Copley, and S.H. Boyd. 1992. Coarse-scale horizontal patchiness and vertical migration in newly formed Gulf Stream warm-core ring 82-H. Deep-Sea Res. 39, Suppl. 1: 247-278.