Abundance of zooplankton species caught in 200 micron vertically-towed ring nets at two time series stations in the Gulf of Maine (2012-2013).
These data are presented in two views: This one has species abundance as columns with each species as its own column header. This one is levelized with the species as rows.
Incorporated into the species names in both cases are the life stages according to this scheme:
CI: Copepodid stage 1
CII: Copepodid stage 2
CIII: Copepodid stage 3
CIV: Copepodid stage 4
CV: Copepodid stage 5
F: Adult Female
M: Adult Male
N: Nauplii
C: Copepodids
LA: Larvae
BalanusC = Cyprid
VEL: Veliger
AD: Adult
EGG: Egg
FU: Furcilia
CA: Calyptopsis
Z: Zoea
MN: Metanauplius
DMO Notes:
Latitude and longitude of stations added
Spaces and periods (not allowed in column headers) fixed.
Added column for yrday_local to expand visualization possibilities.
Access Restrictions:
Users are requested to consult with Jeffrey Runge prior to preparation of any manuscripts or reports, either written or online, that make use of zooplankton and hydrographic data originating from this study. . The data are freely available without need for consultation with Dr. Runge after October, 2017.