Methods below from Waldbusser et al. 2015 (in press). Ocean acidification has multiple modes of action on bivalve larvae. PLOSOne.
Carbonate chemistry measurements
Discrete samples were taken for carbonate chemistry at three time points: 1) following decarbonation but prior to manipulation, 2) immediately prior to filling BOD bottles from gas-impermeable bags, and 3) from each BOD bottle at the termination of the development experiment. Treatment data presented are from the samples in step #2 above. Seawater samples at the termination of the experiment were taken by placing a siphon tube into the BOD bottles, with its submerged end covered with a 37 micron Nitex screen to prevent removal of larvae. The siphon was started and the initial seawater flow discarded before sample collection with minimal aeration in a 350 ml amber glass bottle. All seawater samples collected in 350 ml amber glass bottles were preserved with 30 ml of saturated HgCl2, and sealed with polyurethane-lined metal crimp caps. PCO2 and DIC analyses were carried out via gas equilibration and stripping, respectively, followed by infrared detection, as in Bandstra et al. 2006 and Hales et al. 2005, modified for discrete samples. Standards for PCO2 and DIC encompassed the complete range of values in this study which are outside the range of typical modern-ocean seawater. To compute the complete carbonate chemistry we used, Millero 2010 carbonic acid dissociation constants with temperature and salinity dependencies (which capture the Lueker et al. 2000 seawater constants), Dickson 1990 constants for boric acid, and Millero 1995 water dissociation constants.
Proportion Normal
At termination of the development experiment (48 hours post-fertilization) and after seawater samples had been taken, larvae were concentrated in a known volume of seawater and three replicate samples were collected from each BOD bottle and stored in 20 ml vials and preserved with buffered (pH 8.1-8.2) formalin. The average number of total larvae per replicate vial from each BOD bottle was 79 (±20), with a range from ~ 50 to ~100.
The proportion of normally developed larvae 48 hours post fertilization was evaluated under an inverted microscope, with normal development noted as a completely formed D-shaped shell with a straight hinge and the presence of tissue inside the shell. We previously found that velum extrusion was sometimes related to the speed and strength of additions of buffered formalin; therefore, we scored larvae as normal if larvae showed minor velum extrusion and normally developed shells.
Shell Growth
Shell size was determined by taking photographs of all sampled larvae scored as normally developed using an inverted transmission microscope (Jena Sedival 250-CL coupled to a FujiFilm Digital SLR S5) at 50x magnification and measuring shell lengths (longest axis parallel to shell hinge) on size calibrated images (ImageJ v 1.42). Shell lengths were measured for a total of 4639 normally developed individual larvae. We only measured size of normally developed larvae to prevent bias in the size estimates (poorly or undeveloped larvae are always smaller) and to prevent conflation of developmental and growth effects in interpreting results.
Respiration Rate
Respiration rates were measured for 48-h larvae that were first pooled from triplicate BOD bottles of each seawater treatment, after samples had been taken from each BOD bottle for determination of development and water chemistry analysis. Larvae were stocked at an estimated concentration of 500 larvae in each of five replicate 2 ml, solid-capped GC vials filled with the same seawater treatment as they had experienced during development in the BOD bottles. Larvae were concentrated and enumerated prior to stocking such that the larvae suspension constituted less than 10% of the volume added to each 2 ml vial. The desired concentration of 500 larvae per vial was chosen to yield the strongest and most consistent respiration signal while minimizing the effect of respiration on ambient carbonate chemistry within each treatment. Preliminary analyses showed that respiration rates under normal conditions were unaffected by larval densities between 200 and 800 larvae per vial (data not shown). Fluorescent oxygen-sensitive sensor spots (5 mm planar oxygen-sensitive spots, PSt3, PreSens, Germany) were pre-attached to the base of each vial before seawater or larvae were added. Oxygen measurements were made using the Fibox 3 (PreSens, Germany) that utilizes a fiber-optic cable to transmit and receive light from a sensor spot through the glass vial, allowing oxygen measurements to be taken in a non-destructive manner and without opening the vials. The vials were filled with warmed (18 degrees C) seawater siphoned from seawater contained in the same impermeable bags as that used to fill the BOD bottles, followed with additions of chloramphenicol and 10 ppm ampicillin to control bacterial respiration. Five control vials (without additions of larvae) per seawater treatment allowed correction of larval respiration measurements for background bacterial respiration. Larval respiration rates were approximately 2 – 3 times those of background bacterial rates. Following larval additions, solid caps with PTFE liners were tightly screwed onto each vial, taking care to eliminate any bubbles from the vials. Vials were held on their sides submerged in a temperature-controlled seawater bath to maintain an experimental temperature of 18 degrees C. Oxygen measurements on all 60 vials were taken every 2 hours over the first 6 hours of incubation (including time 0, initiation of respiration measurements), allowing linear regression of four time-points per treatment. We used a 6-hour incubation period because longer periods resulted in reduced respiration rates. The slopes of the regressions were corrected for background bacterial respiration determined in the control vials. Once respiration rate measurements were completed, larvae from each vial were preserved, counted and respiration rates expressed per larva (abnormal plus normal). The total average number of larvae per vial was 457 +/- 89 (1 standard deviation).
Initiation of Feeding
To assess the impact of water treatments on development of feeding organs and processes, we determined the proportion of larvae that ingested fluorescent beads at 44 hours post fertilization (initiation of feeding; IF). Preliminary experiments showed that at 44 hours post-fertilization ≥50% of M. californianus larvae began feeding when reared in natural seawater at 18 degrees C. Fertilized eggs were stocked at 10 ml-1 in triplicate 20 ml solid-capped, sealed vials completely filled (no head space) with seawater treatments, at the same time as larvae were stocked in BOD bottles. After addition of fertilized eggs, 2µm Fluorescbrite® yellow beads (excitation maxima at 441nm and emission maxima at 485nm; Polysciences Inc., Warrington, PA) were added to the vials at a concentration of 20 beads ul-1. Larval density effects, including the density used here, on microsphere availability were found to be negligible during preliminary experiments. Although these are higher than found in natural systems, for short-term, experimental comparisons our larval and bead densities did not appear to skew results. At 44 hour post-fertilization, the experiment was terminated by adding 40 ul of 10% buffered formalin (pH ~8.1-8.2) to the vials. A minimum of 20 larvae per replicate vial were later examined under epifluorescent microscopy for the presence or absence of beads within their guts. The proportion of larvae feeding was then determined as the ratio of larvae that had at least 1 bead in their gut to the total # of larvae counted.
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Hales B, Chipman D, and Takahashi T. High-frequency measurement of partial pressure and total concentration of carbon dioxide in seawater using microporous hydrophobic membrane contactors. Limnol Oceanogr Methods. 2005;2: 356-364.
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Lueker TJ, Dickson AG and Keeling CD. Ocean pCO2 calculated from dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, and equations for K-1 and K-2: validation based on laboratory measurements of CO2 in gas and seawater at equilibrium. Mar Chem. 2000;70: 105-119.
Dickson AG. Standard potential of the reaction - Agcl(S)+1/2h-2(G)=Ag(S)+Hcl(Aq) and the standard acidity constant of the ion Hso4- in synthetic sea-water from 273.15-K to 318.15-K. J Chem Thermodyn. 1990;22: 113-127.
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