We tested the effects of barnacle (Loxothylaccus panopei) parasite infection on the interaction between the flat-backed mud crab (Eurypanopeus depressus) and its prey, the scorched mussel (Brachidontes exustus). All animals used in experiments were collected from intertidal oyster reefs in tidal creeks throughout North Inlet estuary (33°20'N, 79°10'W), Georgetown, South Carolina, USA. North Inlet is a relatively pristine salt marsh consisting of ocean-dominated tidal creeks with a high average salinity (~34 ppt) and a diurnal tidal cycle (Dame et al. 1986). We ran experiments in the screened-in, outdoor wet laboratory at the adjacent Baruch Marine Field Laboratory. The field survey of parasite prevalence was also conducted in intertidal reefs throughout North Inlet. Experiments and field sampling were conducted from June through August 2012.
Handling and reaction time experiment:
During the functional response experiment, we noticed that the maximum consumption rate of infected crabs was substantially lower than that of uninfected crabs. In traditional functional response models, maximum consumption rate is equivalent to the inverse of handling time, or the time it takes to capture, subdue and consume an individual prey (Juliano 2001). These models assume that predators forage continuously (Tully et al. 2005; Jeschke et al. 2002), and in such a situation, predators are only limited by handling time at high prey densities. Thus, the reduced maximum consumption rate of infected crabs suggested an increase in the handling time of infected crabs. To test this, we observed and compared the handling time of uninfected and infected crabs independently of the functional response experiment.
Crabs and mussels used in this experiment fell within the same size ranges used in the functional response experiment. We recorded the carapace width of each crab and length of each mussel before trials and crabs were starved for 24 h to standardize hunger levels. The handling time of crabs was observed in cylindrical glass containers (6 cm diameter × 5 cm height) with one crab and one mussel per container. Ten crabs were observed at once and the experiment was conducted over multiple nights. Handling time was observed at night (generally from 1900 to 2400 h) under a red light to minimize disturbance to crabs (Griffen et al. 2012). Crabs were allowed to acclimate for 5 min before exposure to a mussel. Once a mussel was introduced, we recorded the time it took for a crab to make contact with the mussel (reaction time), as well as the time it took to completely consume the mussel after the first contact (handling time). Crabs were given 1 h to begin handling mussels before the experiment was terminated. Crabs that did not begin handling mussels during this time were excluded from the analysis. The reaction time of uninfected and infected crabs was measured and compared to test whether a longer period of inactivity before reacting to mussel prey contributed to the decreased consumption of infected crabs.
After this experiment, we removed and weighed the parasite externae of infected crabs to test whether the externa mass relative to the crab’s body mass influenced the handling or reaction time of infected crabs. This could be expected if the size of the externa is indicative of the level of parasite infection, or acts as a physical impediment to crab handling of mussels. We compared the dry weight of the externa to the dry weight of the remaining crab body to determine relative parasite mass. Both the removed externae and crab bodies were dried in an oven at 60 °C for 72 h before measurement of dry weight.