Dataset: Turbulence settlement: fig.3 Royal Soc. Open Sci. (2015)
Deployment: Gaylord_Turb-Settlement

Fig 3 data from Hodin et al (2015) Royal Soc. Open Sci. - sand dollar settlement and turbulence
Principal Investigator: 
Brian Gaylord (University of California - Davis: Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis-BML)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Dr Matthew Ferner (San Francisco State University, SFSU)
Dr Christopher Lowe (Stanford University - Hopkins, Stanford-HMS)
Dr Matthew Ferner (San Francisco State University, SFSU)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

Figure 3. Turbulence exposure in sand dollars shortened the time to competence by approximately 20%. On each day indicated, three replicates of 20–25 larvae each were subjected to 3 min of turbulence exposure at approximately 6 W kg−1 (500 r.p.m.), and then immediately transferred them into 40 mM excess KCl in MFSW; we also transferred three replicates of 20–25 larvae directly into 40 mM excess KCl in Millipore-filtered natural seawater (i.e. with no turbulence exposure; unmanipulated controls). All larvae in this analysiswere fromthe same batch (larval batch A, fertilized 27 May 2014).

See Hodin et al (2015) for full details.

Related Reference:
Hodin J, Ferner MC, Ng G, Lowe CJ, Gaylord B. 2015. Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 150114. doi: 10.1098/rsos.150114.

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Turbulence settlement: fig.4-6_Batches A & B
Turbulence settlement: fig.4-6_Batch C
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Turbulence settlement: fig.7
Turbulence settlement: fig.8
Turbulence settlement: fig.8 bootstrap

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