Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV) was performed using a LaVision (Goettingen, Germany) system with a pulsed ND:YAG laser (emission wavelength 532 nm). Experiments were performed with one suspension feeder in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm tank filled to 27-28 cm with filtered seawater. The water was seeded with hollow glass spheres (d = 9--13 µm; rho = 1.10 ± 0.05 g/cm^-3; LaVision) and maintained at a temperature of 17-19˚C and practical salinity of ~30-32. Approximately 2 x 10^6 Tetraselmis chuii cells were added to the tank at the beginning of each experiment to induce feeding. Experiments lasted <10 h.
The folder names are the date and time of collection of the original set of images (‘YearMonthDay - HourMinuteSecond’). Multiple sequences from the same set of images are differentiated with a letter at the end.
Ciona intestinalis: Particle images were collected in single-frame mode at 3.5 Hz. Each folder represents a sequence of 40 s. A different individual was used on each experiment date except on 12/9/14 and 12/16/14. On these two dates, the first ten sequences are from one individual, and the last ten sequences are from another individual.
Mercenaria mercenaria: Particle images were collected in double-frame mode at 2.5 Hz with the time between frame pairs (dt) ranging from 40-99 ms. Each folder represents a sequence of 40 s. A different individual was used on each experiment date.
Mya arenaria: Particle images were collected in double-frame mode at 2.5 Hz with the time between frame pairs (dt) ranging from 25-80 ms. Each folder represents a sequence of 40 s. A different individual was used on each experiment date.