“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Dataset: GT10-11 - Aerosol 1H NMR
Deployment: KN204-01

Spectral magnitude data for 0.0008 ppm bands from aerosol water soluble organic matter 1H NMR spectra.
Principal Investigator: 
Andrew S. Wozniak (Old Dominion University, ODU)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Patrick G. Hatcher (Old Dominion University, ODU)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
29 Dec 2015
Deployment Synonyms:
 GA03,  GT11,  KN204-01A,  KN204-01B,  USGT-NAT-2011,  USGNAZT,  GNAT,  316N20111106,  KN204-1
Version Date: 

The sampling details and identities of each of the samples is provided in addtion to the NMR data. This includeds: starting and ending locations (latitudes and longitudes) and times (Greenwich mean time) as well as the sampling rates (m3 min-1) and calculated sample volumes (m3) for each of the aerosol samples. The run times (measured in hours) and sample volumes account for periods when the sampler was stopped due to potential contamination from the ship’s stack. The NMR data are reported as spectral intensity units, which are non-quantitative, and chemical shift - at parts per million difference from a reference signal, the hydrogens in tetramethylsilane. Spectral images are also provided as JPEG files. These images show the NMR spectra from which the numerical data are derived.

More information about this dataset deployment