Processing Description for Tisler Reef Data:
Net calcification was calculated as umol CaCO3 gTW-1 h-1 using the following formula: Calcification = 0.5 * V * [(DeltaTAF) - (DeltaTAC)] / T * TW, where V is the volume of seawater in liters, DeltaTAF is the average change in total alkalinity during the incubation of each fragment, DeltaTAC is the average change in total alkalinity during the control incubations, T is the incubation time in hours, and TW is the final tissue weight of each fragment in grams. To allow for comparison to other studies, we then calculated net calcification as percent starting weight day-1. Capture rate was standardized to polyp number and reported as Artemia polyp-1 h-1.
Processing Description for Gulf of Mexico Data:
Buoyant weights were converted to dry weights in air using the density of the skeleton and of the seawater. A correction for the contribution of tissue to buoyant weights (following Davies 1989) was applied to obtain the dry weight of the skeleton alone. Net calcification was then calculated as the change in skeletal dry weight over the two-week experimental period, expressed as % starting weight day-1. Capture rate was standardized to polyp number and reported as Artemia polyp-1 h-1.
Data Management Office Notes:
-Separate spreadsheets in the original file (one for each location) have been combined and served as one object.
-Re-formatted column names to comply with BCO-DMO naming standards.