“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Dataset: Population genetic surveys of Zostera marina
Deployment: BML_Stachowicz

A re-sampling of historical population genetic surveys of Zostera marina from Bodega, Tomales, and San Francisco Bays USA
Principal Investigator: 
John J. Stachowicz (University of California-Davis, UC Davis)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Richard K. Grosberg (University of California-Davis, UC Davis)
Susan L. Williams (University of California - Davis: Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis-BML)
Laura K. Reynolds (University of California-Davis, UC Davis)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
12 Oct 2016
Version Date: 

A re-sampling of historical population genetic surveys of Zostera marina from Bodega (BB), Tomales (TB), and San Francisco Bays (SFB) USA. Plant (Zostera marina) samples were collected from Bodega Bay, Tomales Bay, and San Francisco Bay in 2013. DNA was extracted and amplified in the Stachowicz and Grosberg labs at UCDavis, and fragments were analyzed at the UCDavis core facility during 2014-2015. Data are presented as number of base pairs.

More information about this dataset deployment