BCO-DMO versions downloaded from Dryad on 2017-02-01:
Table S1, Sampled taxa and collection details: Table_S1_sampled_taxa_collection_details_v6.doc (323.0 Kb)
Species names, sample codes and collection details for sequenced taxa used in phylogenetic analyses. Blank cells reflect missing information for sequence data obtained from a public database.
Table S2, Developmental character data for Sacoglossa: Table_S2_devel_data_v7_refs.xls (94.20 Kb)
Developmental character data for Sacoglossa including larval development mode, presence/absence and pattern of extra-capsular yolk (ECY), mean egg diameter (± SD), and mean larval shell width (± SD) at hatching. Taxa are listed alphabetically by traditional family within higher clades, and then by binomial name within family. Generic names in quotation marks denote taxa that do not group with most other members of the genus to which they are traditionally assigned.
Table S3, NCBI accession numbers: Table_S3_accession_nos.xls (82.94 Kb)
Accession numbers from the National Center for Bioinformatics database for sequences generated and/or analyzed in this study.
Table S4, BiSSE model fit using a pruned input tree and global estimate of unsampled taxa: Table S4_split_BiSSE_model fit_pcent_missin...xa.doc (40.44 Kb)
Comparison of BiSSE models correcting for missing data with a pruned input tree and one overall estimate of the percentage of unsampled taxa (69%), with either (a) one rate of character change, or (b) rates of reversal (q10) constrained to be rare (<1%) relative to gains of lecithotrophy (q01).
Table S5, BiSSE parameter estimates using a percentage of unsampled taxa to correct for missing data: Table_S5_split_BiSSE_params_pcent_missing_taxa.doc (50.17 Kb)
Maximum-likelihood parameter estimates for BiSSE models, correcting for missing data using an overall percentage of unsampled taxa (69%). The ML tree (Fig. 3) was pruned of terminals missing character data, and used as the input tree for BiSSE analyses with three phylogenetic partitions across Sacoglossa, and either (A) one rate of character change, or (B) rates of reversal to planktotrophy (q10) constrained to be rare (<1%) relative to forward rates (q01). Estimates from the preferred model are bolded, with alternatives shown in descending order of AIC scores.
Table S6, References cited in Table 4: Table_S6_references_v2.doc (37.88 Kb)
References cited in Table 4, from which data on development modes were taken for select clades in Heterobranchia and Caenogastropoda.