year |
year of measurement
year |
year |
expt |
experiment identifier
unitless |
exp_id |
treatment |
experimental treatments:
For 2014:
control acidified water;
dust= dust leachate from Whatman41 filters used to collect dust aerosols from Barbados (added to provide +1 nM Fe); FeCl = FeCl3 (added to provide +1 nM Fe)
For 2015:
control acidified water;
2nMFe: 2 nM Fe provided by FeCl3
20nMFe: 20 nM Fe provided by FeCl3
control_leachate: control leachate (leached from Whatman41 blank filter);
dust_barbados: dust leachate from Whatman41 filters used to collect dust aerosols from Barbados (added to provide +2 nM Fe);
Fe: FeCl3 (added to provide +1 nM Fe);
NO3: HNO3 added to provide +0.2 uM N;
PO4: K2HPO4 added to provide +0.01 uM P;
C: Pyruvate added to provide +10 uM C;
FeCNP: mix of FeCl3 (+2 nM Fe), pyruvate (+10 uM C), HNO3 (+0.2 uM), and K2HPO4 (+0.01 uM)
unitless |
treatment |
light_dark |
whether experiment took place in the light or dark
unitless |
treatment |
vessel |
sample vessel identifier
unitless |
sample |
replicate |
replicate identifier
unitless |
replicate |
time_elapsed_hr |
time since start of experiment
hours |
time_elapsed |
sample |
sample identifier: 'year_treatment_light or dark_vessel number_replicate_time
unitless |
sample |
Vibrio |
Vibrio concentration: determined by spread plating on TCBS agar and countng ager 18-24 incubation at 30 C. Limit of detection was 3.3 CFU/ml (determined using 100 ul spread volume in triplicate). The data uses a value of 0.0 for below detection limit.
colony forming units/milliliter (CFU/ml) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Chl_a |
Chlorophyll-a concentration: determined by acetone freeze thaw using EPA method 445.0 (non-acidificaton). Data went through internal lab QAQC process. BDL= below detection limit.
microgram/liter (ug/L) |
chl_a |
Dissolved organic carbon concentration: determined using oxidatve high temperature combuston-infrared analysis. MDL is 11.16 micro mol/L.
micromol/liter C (umol/L) |
Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration: determined the same as DOC samples but the sample is converted to nitrogen monoxide and measured by a chemoluminescence gas analyzer. The analyte sampled is TDN and the inorganic values are subtracted to get DON. MDL is 5.38 micro mol/L.
micromol/liter N (umol/L) |
NH4 |
Ammonium concentration: determined by the automated phenate method 4500-NH3G. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
micromol/liter N (umol/L) |
NH4 |
NO3 |
Nitrate concentration: determined by the automated cadmium reducton method 4500-NO3- F. 20th Edition Std. Method. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
micromol/liter N (umol/L) |
NO3 |
NO2 |
Nitrite concentration: determined as with Nitrate without running the sample through a cadmium column. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.1 micro gram/L.
micromol/liter N (umol/L) |
NO2 |
Orthophosphate |
Orthophosphate concentration: determined by the automated ascorbic acid reducton method 4500-P F. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.2 micro gram/ L.
micromol/liter P (umol/L) |
PO4 |
SiO4 |
Silicate concentration: determined by the automated molybdate-reactve silica method 4500-SiO2 E. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
micromol/liter Si (umol/L) |
SiO4 |
dFe |
dissolved iron concentration: determined in the 0.2 um filtered fracton using ICP-MSas described in Milne et al. 2010. Analytca Chimera Acta 665: 200-207
nanoMolar (nM) |
Fe |