YSI data processing:
YSI temperatures closely tracked the CTDs. See the intercalibration trials for possible adjustments. The temperature data have not been processed. Salinity readings for individual sondes were quite variable relative to the CTDs. See the intercalibration data files. However, their near-surface deployment location made them less susceptible to severe fouling This the “shape” of the YSI salinity output is likely to be a more reliable representative of field conditions than the MCs, although the absolute value of the salinity for any given deployment is suspect. These two salinity data sets have not yet been reconciled to generate a representative salinity time series for either S2 or S8.
In contrast, the DO data are superb. DO concentrations obtained from the YSIs differed by on the order of 0.05 mg l-1 for successive deployments and for simultaneous intercalibration deployments. As a result, we were able to generate a single DO time series for S2 and S8 by simply averaging the differences between overlaps of successive deployments following application of a Matlab “lowess” local regression smoothing procedure. These data have also been linearly interpolated onto a 10 minute interval time axis to facilitate intercomparison to other data sets. However, the YSI-generated estimates of DO %saturation must be interpreted cautiously because the salinity output of each sonde cannot be assumed to be accurate. Uncertainties in the %saturation estimates due to errant salinities will be on the order of a few %.
BCO-DMO Processing notes:
- added conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date
- modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions
- added station, lat, lon, date, time, ISO_DateTIme columns
- ISO Date format generated from date and time values
- reduced decimal places of O2 to 2