Dataset: Parrotfish surveys
Deployment: vanWoesik_Yap_2017

Parrotfish surveys
Principal Investigator: 
Robert van Woesik (Florida Institute of Technology, FIT)
Robert van Woesik (Florida Institute of Technology, FIT)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

These data were published in van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2018), van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2019), and van Woesik & Cacciapaglia (2021).

A question mark symbol (?) in the species column indicates that the fish could be identified as a parrotfish but the species could not be identified due to the camera angle. The species name followed by a question mark indicates the identification is uncertain due to the camera angle.

A question mark symbol (?) in the size column indicates the fish could not be accurately measured due to the camera angle.

A question mark symbol (?) in a comment column indicates the species name or size is questionable; the time on the video is recorded for the fish in question.

If a comment column contains a time notation (e.g. "01:00" or ":23"), it refers to the position in the video in minutes and seconds (mm:ss) or seconds (:ss) that the fish was identified.

For more information about the parrotfish species please refer to the Parrotfish species information dataset

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