Dataset: Gridded in-situ profiles
Deployment: UpRISEE_SPOT_13-14

Principal Investigator: 
William Haskell (University of California-Santa Barbara, UCSB-MSI)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Douglas E. Hammond (University of Southern California, USC)
Maria Prokopenko (Pomona College, Pomona)
Burton Jones (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST)
Naomi M. Levine (University of Southern California, USC)
Elizabeth N. Teel (University of Southern California, USC)
Burton Jones (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST)
Elizabeth N. Teel (University of Southern California, USC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

This dataset includes chlorophyll a fluorescence and water temperature from gridded in-situ profiles from a Slocum Glider deployed between March and July in 2013 and 2014 in the San Pedro Channel, located in the Southern California Bight off the coast of Los Angeles. 

These data were published in Teel et al., 2018.

In addition to the tabular form of this dataset available by clicking the "Get Data" button on this page, it is also available as a Matlab (*.mat) file containing data matrices and vectors. 
* Note that the tabular dataset has a "DEPTH" parameter, but there is none in the above .mat file.  Each row of the matrices corresponds to 1m depth increments starting with the first row which corresponds to 1m depth to the last row number 80 corresponding to 80m depth.

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