The instruments were deployed on Hog Reef, Bermuda (32.46 oN, 64.83 oW), attached to the PMEL MAPCO2 buoy for the surface measurements, and anchored to the reef below the buoy at ~7 meters depth.
Real-time temperature, pCO2, pH, salinity, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen were determined in situ. Discrete samples were collected and stored in glass bottles, preserved with HgCl2.
SAMI-CO2 sampled on a 15 minute interval. SAMI-CO2 ran a non-absorbing blank measurement every 3.5 days.
SAMI-pH sampled on a 15 minute interval.
SAMI-Alk sampled on a 2 hour interval. SAMI-Alk ran a non-absorbing blank measurement for every measurement. A standard was run every 22 hours.
Dissolved oxygen was sampled on a 15 minute interval.
Temperature was recorded with SAMI-CO2, SAMI-pH on a 15 minute interval and with CTD on a 15 minute interval.
Salinity was recorded with CTD on a 15 minute interval.