Station_ID |
Station number
unitless |
station |
Start_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) at start of sample collection in ISO8601 format
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Start_Latitude |
Latitude at start of sample collection
degrees North |
lat |
Start_Longitude |
Longitude at start of sample collection
degrees East |
lon |
Cast_number |
Cast number; added by BCO-DMO from GP15 Bottle File version 6
unitless |
cast |
Event_ID |
Event number; added by BCO-DMO from GP15 Bottle File version 6
unitless |
event |
Sample_ID |
GEOTRACES sample number
unitless |
sample |
Sample_Depth |
Sample depth
meters (m) |
depth |
Po_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_ovl6zp |
210Po activities in large particle size fraction (>51 um); NS = not sampled
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Po_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_ovl6zp |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on large particle 210Po activity; NS = not sampled
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Po_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_ovl6zp |
Quality flag for Po_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_ovl6zp (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |
Po_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_bsktj4 |
210Po activities in small particle size fraction (0.8 - 51 um)
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Po_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_bsktj4 |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on small particle 210Po activity
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Po_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_bsktj4 |
Quality flag for Po_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_bsktj4 (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |
Po_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_rzbji2 |
Total particulate 210Po activities (sum of small and large size fractions); NC = not calculated
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Po_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_rzbji2 |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on total particle 210Po activity; NC = not calculated
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Po_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_rzbji2 |
Quality flag for Po_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_rzbji2 (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_n2vyur |
210Pb activities in large particle size fraction (>51 um); NS = not sampled
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Pb_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_n2vyur |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on large 210Pb particle activity; NS = not sampled
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Pb_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_n2vyur |
Quality flag for Pb_210_LPT_CONC_PUMP_n2vyur (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_v6jmpp |
210Pb activities in small particle size fraction (>51 um)
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Pb_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_v6jmpp |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on small particle 210Pb activity
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Pb_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_v6jmpp |
Quality flag for Pb_210_SPT_CONC_PUMP_v6jmpp (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_c4onej |
Total particulate 210Pb activities (sum of small and large size fractions); NC = not calculated
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
SD1_Pb_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_c4onej |
Propagated 1 sigma uncertainty on total particle 210Pb activity; NC = not calculated
milliBecquerels per kilogram of water (mBq/kg) |
radioactive_isotope_activity |
Flag_Pb_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_c4onej |
Quality flag for Pb_210_TP_CONC_PUMP_c4onej (1 = "good data")
unitless |
q_flag |