Station_ID |
Station ID number
unitless |
station |
Event_ID |
Event ID number
unitless |
event |
Start_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) at start of the sample collection event
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
End_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) at end of the sample collection event
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Start_Latitude |
Latitude at start of event; negative values = South
decimal degrees |
lat |
Start_Longitude |
Longitude at start of event; negative values = West
decimal degrees |
lon |
Sample_ID |
GEOTRACES sample ID number
unitless |
sample |
Sample_Depth |
Sample depth
meters (m) |
depth |
Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_h0hu59 |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from bottle samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD2_Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_h0hu59 |
Two standard deviations of Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_h0hu59 |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_o5msvl |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from bottle samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_o5msvl |
One standard deviation of Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_o5msvl
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_o5msvl |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_o5msvl
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_FISH_ezjekv |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from towed GeoFish samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_FISH_ezjekv |
One standard deviation of Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_FISH_ezjekv
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_FISH_ezjekv |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_206_207_D_RATIO_FISH_ezjekv
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_FISH_tg7x8e |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from towed GeoFish samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_FISH_tg7x8e |
One standard deviation of Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_FISH_tg7x8e
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_FISH_tg7x8e |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_208_207_D_RATIO_FISH_tg7x8e
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_D_CONC_FISH_zkhacb |
Concentration of dissolved Pb from towed GeoFish samples
picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_D_CONC_FISH_zkhacb |
One standard deviation of Pb_D_CONC_FISH_zkhacb
picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_D_CONC_FISH_zkhacb |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_D_CONC_FISH_zkhacb
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_FISH_bkyzgo |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from towed GeoFish samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_FISH_bkyzgo |
One standard deviation of Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_FISH_bkyzgo
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_FISH_bkyzgo |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_FISH_bkyzgo
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pu5g1q |
Concentration of dissolved Pb from bottle samples
picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
Pb |
SD1_Pb_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pu5g1q |
One standard deviation of Pb_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pu5g1q
picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pu5g1q |
ODV qualtity flag for Pb_D_CONC_BOTTLE_pu5g1q
unitless |
q_flag |
Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg |
Atom ratio of given isotopes for dissolved Pb referenced to {NBS981} from bottle samples
unitless |
Pb |
SD2_Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg |
Two standard deviations of Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg
unitless |
Pb |
Flag_Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg |
ODV quality flag for Pb_206_204_D_RATIO_BOTTLE_nyhdyg
unitless |
q_flag |