Excerpts from the GP17-OCE Cruise Report:
The Cutter group (ODU) and the East Coast van and winch pools provided the GEOTRACES Trace Element Carousel sampling system (GTC), including the A-frame, Dynacon winch with 7300 m of Vectran cable with conductors, clean lab van, and Seabird 9/11+ carousel/CTD with 24 x 12L Go-Flo bottles (+spares).
The GTC sensor array was re-calibrated immediately prior to the GP17-OCE cruise. The sensor array consisted of dual SBE-9 temperature and salinity sensors (calibration date: 23 June 2022), an SBE-43 dissolved oxygen sensor (calibration date: 9 Aug 2022), a Seapoint fluorometer, a Benthos altimeter, and a WetLabs C-Star transmissometer (calibration date: 12 July 2022). The "Salinity-2" sensor on the CTD physically broke after Station 36 and was replaced with a spare calibrated from the same set (and calibration values updated accordingly). The Bishop (UC Berkeley), Lam (UC Santa Cruz), and Ohnemus (UGA Skidaway) groups also installed on the GTC a birefringence sensor that detects particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) at all stations/depths (observed as “Voltage 7” in the GTC CTD data). The Fitzsimmons lab (TAMU) also installed a logging, non-conducting MAPR (Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder) sensor suite on the rosette frame at deep casts of Stations 18 and 20 in order to collect turbidity and oxidationreductional potential data near the hydrothermal plumes.
The 36-place Scripps ODF rosette was used to sample water for less contamination-prone elements. Cutter (ODU, co-cruise leader), along with Marty Fleisher (LDEO) and Jule Middleton (WHOI) were responsible for managing the water budget and overall sampling of the ODF rosette.
For more information on CTD deployments and processing, see the cruise report available from BODC at https://www.bodc.ac.uk/resources/inventories/cruise_inventory/reports/rogerrevelle_rr2214.pdf