Dataset: OOI Irminger Sea CTD and Water Sampling Data
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OOI Discrete CTD and Water Sampling Cruise Data
(OOI Cruise Data)
Data Publisher:
Albert Plueddemann (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
BCO-DMO Data Manager:
Sawyer Newman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Version Date:
Current State:
Data not available
Discrete water sampling data collected from the OOI Global Irminger Sea Array (OOI Water Sample Data project)
The hydrographic sampling performed by OOI-CGSN as part of each Array turn represents a significant collection of valuable physical, chemical, and biological information. In addition to the CTD, collected hydrographic data include discrete oxygen, salinity, nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phosphate, ammonium), chlorophyll, and carbon system measurements. These data serve several important functions. First, they are necessary for the calibration and evaluation of the moored instrumentation at each Array. Furthermore, the annual (Global) or biannual (Coastal) collection of data at the same locations provides a unique timeseries of a large set of water properties following established community standards and methods, independent of its association with the OOI moorings.
The analysis of collected water samples for the parameters listed above are performed by a number of outside labs on behalf of OOI-CGSN. Consequently, the water sampling data for a given cruise is distributed among a number of different files. The Discrete Sampling Summary integrates the related CTD, metadata, and discrete water sample data into a single file. Additionally, it synthesizes qualitative and quantitative information about the quality of a measurement into data quality flags for each associated parameter which follow WOCE-standards.
The final product is the Discrete Sampling Summary spreadsheet which contains the metadata, CTD data and discrete water sample data into a single spreadsheet with data quality flags.