Dataset: Infauna abundance and biomass
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Spatial Extent: N:30.239478 E:-87.894094 S:30.239478 W:-87.894094
Shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, AL, USA
CAREER: Mechanisms of bioturbation and ecosystem engineering by benthic infauna
(Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering)
Kara Gadeken (University of South Alabama; and Dauphin Island Sea Lab, USA-DISL)
Kara Gadeken (University of South Alabama; and Dauphin Island Sea Lab, USA-DISL)
BCO-DMO Data Manager:
Karen Soenen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
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Data not available
In situ infauna abundance and biomass of experimental sediment chambers acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021
This dataset is part of a field study examining the effect of diel oxygen cycling on faunal activity, and in turn sediment oxygen demand. The field experiment used in situ flow-through benthic chambers to measure oxygen consumption. The chambers were deployed and retrieved in three ~24 hour deployments in a shallow subtidal area of Bon Secour Bay in Mobile Bay, AL, in August 2021. This dataset contains the abundances of all macrofaunal taxa as well as the total biomass and the biomass of some major taxa found in each of the chambers. The Abunance data have not been normalized to meters squared. The biomass values have been normalized to meters squared from the values taken from the chambers, which occupy a smaller area.