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Funding Source: NSF Division of Polar Programs (NSF PLR)

Fundref DOI: 
Dataset Award Number
Bottle data PLR-0087401
Carbon chemistry from CTD - Bottle PLR-1142044
Cruise Track PLR-1304563
Cruise Track PLR-1303617
Cruise Track PLR-1303730
Cruise Track PLR-1142117
Data Report NBP1302 PLR-1142117
DOC TDN Nutrients PLR-1142117
Drill Sites PLR-0908788
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples PLR-0908788
Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log PLR-0908788
Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions PLR-0908788
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples PLR-0908788
GN01 Particulate and Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 PLR-1434578
HPLC Pigments - CTD PLR-1142065
HPLC Pigments - Underway PLR-1142065
Isotopes d2H and d18O in natural waters of Alaska PLR-1114485
Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska PLR-1114485
IVARS Marine Snow profiles PLR-0087401
IVARS Phaeocystis PLR-0087401
McMurdo epifauna PLR-0944511
McMurdo epifauna PLR-0126319
McMurdo epifauna species list PLR-0126319
McMurdo epifauna species list PLR-0944511
McMurdo sediment PLR-0944511
McMurdo sediment PLR-0126319
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter krill and silverfish PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter krill and silverfish PLR-0944694
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter krill and silverfish PLR-0944747
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter site PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter site PLR-0944694
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter site PLR-0944747
McMurdo Sound chlorophyll PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound CTDs PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound icebreaker dates and ice edge distance PLR-0944694
McMurdo Sound icebreaker dates and ice edge distance PLR-0944747
McMurdo Sound icebreaker dates and ice edge distance PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound sea ice movement dates PLR-0944694
McMurdo Sound sea ice movement dates PLR-0944747
McMurdo Sound sea ice movement dates PLR-0944511
McMurdo Sound sea ice thickness PLR-0944694
McMurdo Sound sea ice thickness PLR-0944747
McMurdo Sound sea ice thickness PLR-0944511
Multi-core Arctic sediment data PLR-1023444
ODV and CTD PLR-1142097
Phaeocystis counts PLR-1142097
Radium in natural waters of Alaska PLR-1114485
Ross Sea sequences PLR-1142049
Sediment trap data PLR-0087401
Southern Ocean foraminifer N isotopes PLR-1401489
Southern Ocean particulate organic N isotopes PLR-1401489
Southern Ocean seawater N isotopes PLR-1401489
Southern Ocean zooplankton N isotopes PLR-1401489
Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane PLR-0908788
Spring 2011 - Master Data Sheet PLR-0908788
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values PLR-0908788
Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition PLR-0908788
Spring 2012 - Master Data Sheet PLR-0908788
Spring 2012 - Sediment Gas Concentrations PLR-0908788
Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates PLR-0908788
Water Column Data - CTD PLR-1023444
winter nitrate isotopes - hydrocast PLR-0612198
winter nitrate isotopes - hydrocast PLR-1401489
winter nitrate isotopes - underway PLR-0612198
winter nitrate isotopes - underway PLR-1401489