15N Addition to Open System Mesocosms |
Three runs of six open system mesocosms run with 15N tracer addition |
AA-CSIA Bradley |
Amino acid compound specific nitrogen isotopic analysis (AA-CSIA) data from Bradley et al. 2015. |
AA-CSIA Olson |
Amino acid compound-specific isotope analysis (AA-CSIA) of tissue samples from four distinct trophic groups across the food web in the pelagic eastern tropical Pacific Ocean |
Abyssal deposit feeders AACSIA |
AA-CSIA of abyssal deposit feeders, their gut contents and the surrounding surface sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT4210 and R/V Western Flyer cruise Pulse 72 |
Acrylate and DMSP Concentrations |
Acrylate and DMSP Turnover |
Photochemical production rates of acrylate in seawater |
Amino acid d13C values of diatoms and bacteria |
Amino acid d13C values of diatoms, bacteria and core M772-003-2 samples |
Amino acid d13C values of Thalassiosira weissflogii |
Amino acid d13C values of Thalassiosira weissflogii of ten different treatments |
Amino Acid d15N transfer |
Phytoplankton and grazers grown in lab chemostats |
Amino Acid Enantiomeric Ratios |
Amino acid enantiomeric ratios (D/L) of high and low molecular weight (HMW, LMW) DOM collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic |
Amino acid isotopes from mussels |
N, C compound-specific amino acid isotopes from mussels along CA margin: new approach for paleo-isoscape reconstructions |
AT15-40 Porewater Geochemistry |
Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey |
AT15-40 Sulfides |
Sulfide data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey |
AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry |
AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry |
AT37-06 Sediment geochemistry |
AT37-06 Sediment geochemistry |
AT37-06 Sediment Geochemistry Summary |
AT37-06 Sediment Geochemistry Summary |
AT42-05 Sediment geochemistry |
Sediment geochemistry AT42-05 |
AT42-05 Sediment geochemistry |
Sediment geochemistry AT42-05 |
AT42-05 Water column chemistry |
water column geochemistry AT42-05 |
Atlantic ZooPlankton AA 15N values |
Mean d15N of individual amino acids and bulk organic matter for five plankton size fractions |
Baltic GasEx 1 SF6 and Helium |
Baltic GasEx SF6 and He from tracer release experiment |
BB2-AT2 Cytosolic Metallome |
BB2-AT2 Metalloproteome Proteins |
biogeochemistry microbiology |
Cariaco basin biogeochemistry and microbiology |
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Carbon in sperm whale dentin |
Compound-specific Carbon isotopes from sperm whale dentin |
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Nitrogen in sperm whale dentin |
Compound-specific Nitrogen isotopes from sperm whale dentin |
Bulk and CSIA-AA stable isotopes in sinking POM and proteinaceous deep-sea coral skeletal material |
Bulk Raw Isotopes |
Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from pelagic fish. |
Carbon Mineralization |
Barataria Bay carbon mineralization and biogeochemical properties from nine soil cores, 2017 |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve Biogeochemistry |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve Biogeochemistry |
Chesapeake Bay: Nitrous Oxide |
Closed Mesocosm 15N Tracer |
N2O, 15N2, 15N Sediment tracer in oyster mesocosms |
Compound specific isotope data |
Compound specific isotope data |
Concentrations of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) |
Concentrations of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA). Data were collected over 11 weeks in the summer and fall of 2014. |
Crocosphaera iron/warming experiments |
warming experiments |
CSIA-AA comparison between live polyps and outer proteinaceous skeletal material in three (3) taxons of deep-sea corals |
d15N - HPLC Method Glu and Phe 15N values |
N isotopic composition of Phenylalanine and Glutamic Acid from a number of organisms |
d15N - HPLC Method Glu and Phe 15N values |
N isotopic composition of Phenylalanine and Glutamic Acid from a number of organisms |
delta 15N NO3 |
Detected 15N-labeled nitrate (NO3) in commercial 15N2 gas. |
Dinoflagellate culturing |
Size and chemical responses of two dinoflagellate species used in natural high light exposure experiments. |
direct N2O |
46-N2O contamination measured directly in commercial 15N2 gas. |
Discrete O2 Ar |
Discrete O2 Ar |
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) and Dymethylsulfonoiproprionate (DMSP) from temp and iron experiments on Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton |
DOM analysis by Liquid Chromatography 21T Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry |
Emiliania huxleyi Chl-a, POC, cell volumes |
Chlorophyll-a, POC, and cell volume of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels |
Emiliania huxleyi CN content |
Carbon and nitrogen content of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 |
Emiliania huxleyi dilution calculations |
Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels |
Emiliania huxleyi DMSP |
Cellular particulate DMSP from E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels |
Emiliania huxleyi growth rates |
Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels |
Emiliania size and chemical characteristics |
Cell size and chemical characteristics of five strains of coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. |
Epiphytic bacteria methane production data |
MPn-derived methane production by epiphytic bacteria on pelagic Sargassum seaweed |
ESP 2014 DMSP |
DMSP concentrations from ESP, fall 2014 |
Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos |
Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos |
Fatty acid measurements - experimental animals |
Fatty acid measurements – field samples and lab eggs |
Fatty acid profiles |
Fatty acid profiles of M. menidia females and their unfertilized eggs. |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry |
FK190211 water col geochem |
FK190211 water col geochem |
Geochemistry and radiotracer rates |
Geochemistry and radiotracer rates |
GN01 CFC and SF6 |
Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater |
GP15 CFCs and SF6 |
CFC-12, CFC-11, and SF6 concentrations for GP15 cruise |
GP16 CFC and SF6 |
CFC-12, CFC-11, CFC-113, and SF6 concentration from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. |
GP16 Elemental selenium and particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide |
Particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide (pAVS) and elemental Selenium (pSe) depth profiles from McLane pump |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species profiles from bottle samples |
Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Go-FLO bottles |
Growth rates and bulk isotope values |
Growth rates, bulk isotope values, elemental composition |
GT10 - As AP Surface Transects |
Surface transects for arsenic speciation, antimony speciation, and alkaline phosphatase activity |
GT10 - delta-O18 and Deuterium |
Depth profiles of seawater d18O and dD from 8 stations of the KN199-04 cruise. |
GT10-11 - CFC and SF6 |
Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater - GT11 |
GT11 - As AP Surface Transects |
Surface transects for arsenic speciation, antimony speciation, and alkaline phosphatase activity |
GT11 - As Sb AP - Profiles |
Depth profiles for arsenic and antimony speciation and alkaline phosphatase activity |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Methane |
Porewater methane concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 |
Guaymas porewater methane |
Guaymas porewater methane |
Halomethane concentration profile |
Concentrations of CH3Br, CH3I, CH2Br2, and CHBr3 seawater |
Halomethane concentrations in cell culture |
Concentrations of CH3Br, CH3I, CH3Cl, and CH3Br3 in cell culture |
Hudson Canyon DIC and pH |
Radiocarbon DIC, DIC concentration, pH, and [CH4] in Hudson Canyon, northern US Atlantic Margin |
Hydrocarbon Compounds |
Hydrocarbon Compounds Gas Chromatography |
Hydrocarbons in porewater |
Guaymas pushcore porewater hydrocarbons |
Hydrocarbons in sediment |
Guaymas pushcore sediment hydrocarbons |
Incubation Data |
Results of incubation experiments |
IODP360 - Drill fluid contamination testing |
Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska |
Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska |
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) |
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA). Data were collected over 11 weeks in the summer and fall of 2014. |
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) |
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA). Data were collected over 11 weeks in the summer and fall of 2014. |
KOSMOS14 DMSPO Concentrations |
Lake Michigan Chemistry |
Lake Michigan Chemistry |
Methane concentrations at Station ALOHA |
Methane concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA (2008-2016) |
Methane sulfate profiles |
Methane and sulfate concentration profiles - sediment cores from White Oak River estuary Station H, October 2012 |
Microbial incubation diversity and geochemistry |
Microbial diversity and geochemistry of marine sediment mesocosm, Cape lookout bight, North Carolina |
Micronekton AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton |
Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton, station ALOHA |
Modern deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotopes |
Deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotope data |
mol percent - HPLC Method Glu and Phe 15N values |
N isotopic composition of Phenylalanine and Glutamic Acid from a number of organisms |
mol percent - HPLC Method Glu and Phe 15N values |
N isotopic composition of Phenylalanine and Glutamic Acid from a number of organisms |
N and O isotope effects of nitrate reductases |
N and O isotope effects of nitrate reduction by 3 forms of nitrate reductase. |
N2 |
The measured quantity of 15N2 added to nitrate and ammonium solutions equilibrated with 15N2 gas. |
N2O and nutrient concentrations |
Dissolved N2O concentrations from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound |
N2O Global Reconstruction |
Global reconstruction of surface oceanic N2O disequilibrium and its associated flux |
Niskin 2016 |
Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA |
Nitrogen and carbon fixation rates and ratios |
N2 and Carbon fixation rates, POC and PON |
nitrogen fixation rates |
15N2-based N2 fixation rates from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010-2011 |
Nitrous Oxide Concentration |
N2O concentrations from San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 |
Nitrous oxide concentrations at Station ALOHA |
Nitrous oxide concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA (2008-2016) |
oa_zoo_hatch_chemistry |
Carbonate chemistry analyses of seawater samples from zooplankton hatching experiments. |
Open Mesocosm Oyster N2 and N2O |
N2O & 15N2 in oyster mesocosms fed 15N-labeled phytoplankton |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific |
Other Solutes |
Other solutes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises |
Particle AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in particles |
Amino acid specific isotopes in particles, station ALOHA |
Particle d15N values of amino acids |
Particle d15N values of amino acids |
Phytoplankton Nitrogen isotope fractionation |
Nitrogen isotope fractionation for ammonium assimilation by marine phytoplankton |
Porewater Composition |
Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of the Cinder Cones Methane seep site |
Porewater Geochem Cells 2013 WOR |
Porewater geochemistry (sulfate, methane, and DIC) from sediments of the White Oak River (WOR), NC, Station H. |
Porewater Geochemistry - Ruff |
Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey (Ruff et al. 2015). |
Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes |
Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes |
ProteOMZ nitrous oxide data |
Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016 |
Radiocarbon in methane at ocean margins |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Compound-specific carbon in sperm whale skin tissue |
Compound-specific carbon isotopes from sperm whale skin tissue |
Ruiz-Cooly 2014 - Sperm whale sample info |
Sperm whale skin tissue samples information |
San Francisco Bay Transects |
Vascular plant and microbial biomarkers of dissolved organic matter from San Francisco Bay transects |
Sargasso Sea Hydrocarbons |
Sealed Oyster Aquarium 15N Tracer, 15N2 and N2O |
N2O, 15N2, 15N tissue tracer in oyster aquariums |
seal_and_prey_fatty_acids |
Fatty acid signature profiles of harbor seals and prey species (raw FID data). |
Sediment delta-13C methane and methane concentrations |
sediment methane |
Sediment PLFA concentrations |
Raw concentrations of individual PLFA compounds. |
Sediment PLFA isotope data |
Sediment PLFA isotope values. |
Shotgun Proteomics of Bering Sea algal incubations. |
Siphonophore CSIA-AA |
Siphonophore CSIA-AA |
Southern Ocean deep-sea fossil coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotope records: Monte Carlo and Kalman Filters |
Southern Ocean deep-sea fossil coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotope records generated using Monte Carlo and Kalman Filters |
Southern Ocean deep-sea fossil coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotopes |
Deep-sea fossil coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotopes |
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values |
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values |
Switch 2014 Metadata |
Cell abundance, nutrient, DMSP concentrations from mesocosm experiment |
T Lake 1200-yr Reconstruction |
Record of abundance and δ2H of dinosterol in down core lake sediments from T Lake, Palau |
T Lake 1200-yr Reconstruction |
Record of abundance and δ2H of dinosterol in down core lake sediments from T Lake, Palau |
T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume |
T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume |
T. pseudonana fatty acids per cell |
T. pseudonana fatty acids by cell |
Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments |
Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments |
The influence of reactive oxygen species on "‘respiration" isotope effect |
The influence of reactive oxygen species on "‘respiration" isotope effect |
Trichodesmium proteomes and Hi CO2 adaptation |
Trichodesmium nutrient-limited proteomes in 380 and 750 uatm CO2 |
trichodesmium_fixation |
CO2 and N2 fixation and trichome length of Trichodesmium erythraeum under varying pCO2 and light conditions. |
Triple oxygen isotopes of respiration and photo-oxidation of DOC |
Triple oxygen isotopes of respiration and photo-oxidation of DOC |
Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction |
Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction |
Water column methane ethylene and nutrients |
Water column MOx |
Zooplankton CSIA-AA |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 |
Zooplankton/phytoplankton CSIA-AA |
15N AA from phytoplankton, microzooplankton and Calanus pacificus |
Zooplankton/phytoplankton CSIA-AA |
15N AA from phytoplankton, microzooplankton and Calanus pacificus |