PI: Ken Buesseler
of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
dataset: Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases
dates: April 19, 1989 to June 5, 1989
location: N: 46.8317 S: 46.24 W: -18.3717 E: -17.68
project/cruise: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment/Atlantis II 119, leg 4 and 5
ship: R/V Atlantis II
Data collected via in-situ pumping and gamma counting techniques referenced in:
Livingston, H.D. and J.K. Cochran (1987) Determination of transuranic and
thorium isotopes in ocean water in solution and in filterable particles.
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., vol. 115 (2), 299-308.
Buesseler, K.O., M.P. Bacon, J.K. Cochran and H.D. Livingston (1990)
Shipboard measurement of Th-234 during the JGOFS Spring Bloom Experiment.
EOS, vol. 71 (2), 139.
All data decay corrected to mid-point of sampling time
Contacts: Ken O. Buesseler, Michael P. Bacon, Hugh D. Livingston (WHOI)
and J. Kirk Cochran (SUNY)
Thorium-234 activities reported as Dpm/l (disintegration per minute per liter)
Data for dissolved and particulate (0.5 micron nominal pore size) 234-Th
reported with a one sigma error. This error is propagated from errors
due to counting statistics, standardization and in-situ pump collection
A data quality code is assigned to each measurement.
a = Highest confidence level (ie. lowest error);
c = Poorest confidence level
This quality code is determined by a combination of sampling
and analytical factors, and is included in the reported error