<strong>DMO notes:</strong> original version prepared from CTD (TMR CTD) casts
Added to OCB: 10 January 2006 by Cyndy Chandler (cchandler@whoi.edu)
are times UTC or GMT ?
still unsure about some user sensors
<p class="text">
10 January 2006: Prepared for OCB data system by Terry McKee (PO Dept, WHOI) and Cyndy Chandler, OCB DMO (WHOI).<br>
<p class="text">
Data were processed using the standard set of Seabird utilities,
to generate final 1-decibar pressure sorted downtrace files for all CTD casts.
All final processed *.asc CTD files were downloaded by the OCB DMO
in December 2005 from the SOFeX web site: <br >
http://www.mbari.org/SOFeX/Revelle_Data/Revelle_Station_Data/Revelle_TMR... <br >
<br >
The event number, date, time, latitude
and longitude position information were taken from the *.hdr CTD header files.
For TMR1 station 7, the latitude may have been entered incorrectly during data acquisition
(55 °W) <strong>but was not changed</strong> to be consistent with the
cruise <a href="http://ocb.whoi.edu/jg/serv/OCB/SOFeX/Revelle/log.html0">Activity Log</a> (56 °W).
<p class="text">
Final CTD station header record showing history of processing steps:<br >
<a href="http://ocb.whoi.edu/SOFeX/PI-NOTES/SX007T01_hdr.txt">TMR-CTD station 7
<p class="text">Final CTD station configuration (con report) files were not provided with .asc files.
<dt class="textb">MATLAB data processing scripts:</dt>
<dt>Physical properties of seawater function was used to compute potential density:</dt>
<dd><a href="http://ocb.whoi.edu/datasys/PhyPropSW/sw_pden.m">PhyPropSW sw_pden.m</a></dd>