All drifters originally submitted by this investigator, regardless of year deployed, had a year day value beginning with January 1, 1995 (year day of 1.0000). Thus, a deployment in 1996 had a year day >365.0000 and a deployment in 1999 had a deployment year day value >1461.0000 (1996 was a leap year). BCO-DMO converted those original year day values to standard yrday_gmt values (0 to 365, or 0 to 366 for leap years).
Based on dates of deployment and recovery, a drifter file may span two calendar years. The 'year_start' parameter indicates the year the drifter was deployed.
BCO-DMO made the following modifications: Calculated actual 'yrday_gmt' values from the original 'yrday_special' column (yrday_special = number of days since January 1, 1995); Added argosid and cruiseid from the 'drifters_start'_positions' dataset; Re-formatted all values from scientific notation to integers; Changed incorrect year values for drifter g96; Corrected the year value in cases where yrday_special and year did not match (e.g. if yrday_special was 367, but year was 1995, changed year to 1996); Changed values of '999.00' to 'nd' to indicate 'no data'; Removed data for drifter g162 because it was undergoing gps testing locally.
BCO-DMO corrected unknown/missing cruise ID's for the following drifters:
g31- corrected to EN274. (Cruise report for EN274 documents the deployment of g31.)
g47- corrected to EN278. (Original data has EN278 listed.)
g84 and g85 - corrected to EN291. (EN291 cruise report documents the deployment of these drifters.)
g98 and g99 - corrected to EN294. (EN294 cruise report documents the deployment of these drifters.)
g140 and g142 - corrected to EN300. (EN300 cruise report documents the deployment of these drifters.)
g157 and g158 - corrected to OC315. (Original data has OC315 listed and Oceanus schedule confirms dates, locations, and investigators.)
g159 - corrected to OC316. (Original data has OC316 listed and cruise report confirms this.)
n6 to n10 - corrected to PAR98-078. (Cruise report for PAR-98-078 documents the deployment of these drifters.)