port |
Name of the port where the fishing vessel departs from/returns to.
text |
site_descrip |
trip |
The unique identification code given to each haul trip. All trips with the same identification number are part of the same haul effort.
text |
haul_id |
month_local |
2-digit month of year (local) when the trip occurred.
mm (01 to 12) |
month_local |
day_local |
2-digit day of month (local) when the trip occurred.
dd (01 to 31) |
day_local |
year |
4-digit year (local) when the trip occurred.
year |
time_start |
The time (local) at which the fishing vessel left the dock to tend the net.
time_start |
bycatch_reduct_gear |
Indicates whether the trip used a bycatch reduction gear, or whether the trip was a control trial. If the trip was a gear manipulation trial, the value will indicate which bycatch reduction gear was used.
If the trip was a control trial, the value will be 'CONTROL'.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
trial_id |
Indicates which gear type the trip was testing (includes both gear manipulation and control trials). Trial type (gear manipulation or control) can be determined by looking at the 'bycatch_reduct_gear' parameter.
text |
instrument |
weight_lbs |
If the fisherman gave a verbal estimation of the total catch in pounds, the value is given here. If the total catch was not estimated in pounds, this field contains 'nd'.
pounds |
weight |
take |
If the total catch was recorded as number of totes, trays, or dip nets, the number of totes, trays, or dip nets taken is recorded here. If there was no take, but simply a biosample taken, 'nd' or '0' is given.
varies |
num_caught |
take_unit |
The unit of take; either TOTE, TRAY, or DIP_NET.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
sample_type |
The type of sample; either BIOSAMPLE or TAKE.
BIOSAMPLE = the sample was taken specifically to test gear effectiveness, and the fisherman did not plan on retaining the catch otherwise.
TAKE = the sample was taken from the portion of the fisherman's catch that would be sold for market value.
text |
sample_descrip |
effort |
The unique effort identifier within a specific trip. Multiple effort_id numbers under the same trip number indicate that more than one sample type was taken from the same haul.
This was done when the fisherman's take was different than the total catch (i.e. when the entire catch would not have been kept, or even brought on board, if not part of the sampling effort.)
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
sample_amt |
The quantity of the sample in totes, trays, or dip nets.
varies |
numb_obs |
sample_amt_unit |
The type of sample quantity; either TOTE, TRAY, or DIP_NET.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
catch_id |
The unique identifier number regarding the species in the specific effort. Each species caught within a single effort will have a unique identifier number.
unitless |
sample |
count |
The total number of individuals of a specific species within an effort.
unitless |
count |
common_name |
The common name of the species sampled.
text |
common_name |
species |
The scientific name of the species sampled.
text |
species |
sample |
The unique identifier for the length sample of a given species' within a specific catch.
unitless |
sample |
fish_len |
The length of the sample in millimeters. All values are total length.
millimeters |
fish_len |
freq_fish_len |
The frequency of the sample length. The value will be 1 unless the sample represents a count of individuals that were not measured.
In this case, freq_fish_len is the number of individuals of a specific species that were counted but not measured.
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
comments |
Comments recorded by the observer regarding catch, fishing practices, fishermen's comments, gear effectiveness, and the proportion of total catch was sampled.
text |
comment |
lat_start |
Latitude of the starting location of the trip. Positive values = North.
decimal degrees |
lat_start |
lon_start |
Longitude of the starting location of the trip. Negative values = West.
decimal degrees |
lon_start |