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Deployment: KN193-03

Chief Scientist: 
Mary Jane Perry (University of Maine, U Maine DMC)
Ivona Cetinic (University of Maine, U Maine DMC)
NAB08 Process Cruise
Platform Type:
Start Date: 
End Date: 
subpolar North Atlantic, Iceland Basin, 60.7 to 61.7 degrees N, 25 to 27.7 degrees W

A three-week process cruise on the R/V Knorr operated in the vicinity of five autonomous platforms that had been deployed in early April by another vessel. A total of 10 simultaneous float and CTD calibration profiles were taken to calibrate sensors on the Lagrangian mixed layer float (Biofloat 48) and to validate proxy measurements (i.e., optical attenuation to particulate organic carbon, etc.). One simultaneous Seaglider and CTD calibration profile was collected for each of the four Seagliders. Knorr also carried out a number of bow-tie surveys around the Lagrangian mixed layer float. A second float, Biofloat 47, had ceased functioning shortly after deployment was rescued at the beginning of the cruise. Two SOLOPC floats were deployed but were damaged on deployment and sank. A number of successful short deployments of PELAGRA floating were made during the cruise.

Core ship-board measurements supported by project funding were: 1) CTD profiles (temperature, conductivity, oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, optical backscatter, and beam transmission) on all four cruises; 133 CTD profiles were obtained on this cruise. 2) analysis of water samples collected with the CTD Rosette (chlorophyll, HPLC pigments, nutrients, particulate organic carbon, particulate absorption spectrum, phytoplankton, oxygen and other guest investigator measurements).

Original cruise data are available from the  NSF R2R data catalog

Science personnel:
Mary Jane Perry, University of Maine, Chief Scientist
Witold Bagniewsk, University of Maine
Nicole Bale, Plymouth Laboratory, UK
Nathan Briggs, University of Maine
David Checkley, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Oregon State University
Andrea Drzewianowski, University of Maine
Amanda Gray, University of Washington
Jennifer Fortier, University of Maine
Alba Gonzalez-Posada, University of East Anglia, UK
Emily Kallin, University of Maine
Kristinn Gudmundsson, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland
Richard Lampitt, National Oceanography Centre, South Hampton, UK
Patrick Martin, National Oceanography Centre, South Hampton, UK
Maren Moltke Lyngsgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Nicole Poulton, Bigelow Laboratory
Eric Rehm, University of Washington
Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ryan Rykaczewski, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Michael Sauer, University of Maine
Richard Sawyer, National Oceanography Centre, South Hampton, UK
Michael Sieracki, Bigelow Laboratory
Tatiana Rynearson, University of Rhode Island
Toby Westberry, Oregon State University
Dane Wojcicki, University of Maine
Lin Zhang, University of Rhode Island