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Dataset: Survival and size
Deployment: AP_Rankin

Survival, length, and growth responses of M. menidia offspring from different females exposed to contrasting CO2 environments.
Principal Investigator: 
Hannes Baumann (University of Connecticut, UConn)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Janet Nye (Stony Brook University - SoMAS, SUNY-SB SoMAS)
Hannes Baumann (University of Connecticut, UConn)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Hannah Ake (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected

Wild-caught M. menidia adults were spawned to test whether offspring from different mothers differ in their average survival and size responses to elevated CO2 conditions. The experiment quantified three related survival and three size traits for each replicate, female, and CO2 treatment: embryo survival (fertilization to 1 dph), larval survival (1 to 16 dph), and overall survival (fertilization to 16 dph); and size (SL) at hatch (1 dph), SL at 16 dph, and larval growth rate (GR = (SL16dph – SL1dph)/15).

These data are associated with the corresponding paper:

Snyder, J.T.*, Murray, C.S.*, and Baumann, H. (2017) Potential for maternal effects on offspring CO2-sensitivities in a coastal marine fish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (in press).

Other datasets related to this paper:

Fatty acid profiles of M. menidia females and their unfertilized eggs.

More information about this dataset deployment