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Instrument: Metrohm microAutolab

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A computer-controlled compact potentiostat/galvanostat for electrochemical research and electroanalysis. It has a potentiostat bandwidth of 500 kHz, an input impedance of >100 GOhm and features an analog integrator. The instrument can supply a maximum current of 80 mA with an accuracy of 0.2% and a resolution of 0.0003%. Potential accuracy is 0.2% and potential resolution is 3 uV. The instrument can perform almost all elelctrochemical techniques including voltammetry, fuel cell, battery, biosensors, electroplating, coatings and corrosion. The NOVA software controls the microAutolab II version, which has an external USB interface, and the microAutolab III version, which features an integrated USB interface inside the instrument. microAutolab I is not supported in NOVA.