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Whitmore, L.M., L.T. Jensen, J. Granger, Y. Xiang, L.E. Kipp, A. Pasqualini, R. Newton, A.M. Agather, R.F. Anderson, E.E. Black, K.L. Bowman, A. Bourbonnais, M.A. Brzezinski, R.M. Bundy, M.A. Charette, R.L. Edwards, J.N. Fitzsimmons, D.A. Hansell, P.J. Lam, P. Morton, M. Saito, A.M. Shiller, W.M. Smethie, B.S. Twining, R.J. Woosley, and R. Zhang. A U.S. GEOTRACES synthesis of the Arctic Ocean Upper Halocline: multielemental tracers in the Amerasian Basin reveal interlinked biogeochemical and physical processes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, in review.
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