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Testing the Invasion Process: Survival, Dispersal, Genetic Characterization and Attenuation of Marine Biota on the 2011 Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris Field.

Testing the Invasion Process: Survival, Dispersal, Genetic Characterization and Attenuation of Marine Biota on the 2011 Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris Field.
Acronym/Short Name: 

I. Biodiversity; Population and Food Web Analysis; Viability and Reproductive Condition; Dispersal Track and Growth History; Shellfish Pathogens/Parasites

This project seeks to document the biodiversity of Japanese species on arriving tsunami-generated debris, through morphological and genetic identification (including massively parallel DNA sequencing of whole community samples) andthrough quantitative replicate samples to determine numerical abundance, density, frequency, and biomass. In addition, species accumulation and rarefaction curves will be determinded to estimate total inbound diversity.

Focuses include:

- Population structure of selected taxa, based on size/age class distributions.
- Viability and reproductive condition of selected taxa, based on fecundity, gonadal indices, and/or spore production, upon arrival.
- Food web analyses based upon tissue stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N).
- Dispersal track and growth history of selected taxa based on oxygen isotopic and elemental composition of shell calcite.
- Identity and prevalence of parasites and pathogens in oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis).

II. Biotic Attrition Over Time

Comparison of dead species assemblages on JTMD to live assemblages to assess the fate and alteration of debris communities over time.

III. Genetic Matching of Novel Invasions With JTMD Biota

Genetically characterize populations of target species so that if and when new invasions are detected, or when previously established invasions appear to be newly expanding or appearing in new locations, genetic studies can be undertaken to determine if these events are related to the JTMD phenomenon.

This is a Rapid Response Grant.

2020-09-30:  Final data was not submitted for this project. The data for this research are available at the Dryad data depository ( Contact Dr. Carlton for more information.

North Pacific Ocean (W and E)
Start Date: 
End Date: 
Dataset Short Name Full Dataset Title
JTMD amphipod Caprella lengths Size and development data on amphipod Caprella collected from Japanese tsunami marine debris along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD amphipod counts Amphipods collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD amphipod Jassa lengths Size and development data on amphipod Jassa collected from Japanese tsunami marine debris along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD biodiversity Proportion of taxonomic groups from Japanese, oceanic and eastern Pacific waters along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD debris log Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris: biofouling debris log along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts from 2012-2014 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD debris registry Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris: biofouling register from the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts from 2012-2014 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD Mytilus length - weight Population structure of Mytilus from 2011 Japanese tsunami marine debris, based on size/age class distributions along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts from 2012-2014 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD Mytilus population genetics Population analysis and metagenomics of Japanese tsunami marine debris mussels along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts in 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD stable isotopes Stable isotope ratios collected from Japanese tsunami marine debris along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
JTMD Telmatogeton japonicus lengths The sizes of midge Telmatogeton japonicus collected from Japanese tsunami marine debris along the Hawaii, Washington and Oregon coasts during 2012 (JTMD-BF project)
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