ADCP | Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | AESOPS | lon_360 |
bathymetry | Ross Sea, Antarctic Polar Front Zone standard depths | AESOPS | lon_360 |
Continuous underway data | Measurements of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and dissolved O2/Ar ratios from North Pacific | NPac Cont Ship | Lon360 |
dissolved cobalt | Dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt speciation in the Ross Sea | CORSACS | lon_360 |
Dissolved Nitrous Oxide | Dissolved N2O concentration and stable isotope/isotopomer composition measurements. | CoFeMUG | lon_360 |
Dissolved Th/Pa - SO-202 | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa, NW Pacific | Sources-Sinks Th-Pa | lon_360 |
event_log | Scientific sampling event log from the CoFeMUG cruise | CoFeMUG | lon_360 |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Bottle | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from bottle samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | LONGITUDE_360 |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Melt Pond | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from melt pond samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | LONGITUDE_360 |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Pump | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from samples collected by pump | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | LONGITUDE_360 |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn SUBICE | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from seawater collected from ice floes using a pump | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | LONGITUDE_360 |
GP17-OCE CTD Profiles | GP17-OCE CTD Profiles | GP17-OCE | Longitude_360 |
GT10 - FIA-AlFe | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al and Fe. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_360 |
GT10-11 - Particulate Fe Isotopes | Particulate Fe isotopes (d56Fe, labile d56Fe, labile[Fe], [Cd], [Ba], and [P]) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_360 |
GT11 - FIA-AlFeMn | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_360 |
LDEO surface gridded carbon parameters | Carbonate chemistry data gridded to 4 degree latitude by 5 degree longitude by monthly boxes. | Climatological Mean Distribution of pH | lon_360 |
MMETSP locations and e-values | MMETSP location information on samples obtained on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | lon_360 |
N and O isotopes | Nitrate (d15N and d18O) and nitrite (d15N) isotopic data, and corresponding hydrographic data. | N2O Cycling | lon_360 |
Nitrate isotopes | Nitrate dual isotope (d15N and d18O) measurements. | CoFeMUG | lon_360 |
Nitrous oxide and transient tracer concentrations in the tropical Pacific Ocean | Nitrous oxide and transient tracer concentrations in the tropical Pacific Ocean | Equatorial N2O | Longitude_360 |
Nutrients and chlorophyll | Nutrient and chlorophyll analyses from surface samples collected by container ships in the North Pacific | NPac Cont Ship | Lon360 |
nutrients and metals | Analysis of nutrients, Cobalt (total and labile), dissolved Iron, and dissolved Manganese from TM bottle samples. | CoFeMUG | lon_360 |
O2/Ar and triple oxygen isotopes discrete samples | Dissolved gas O2/Ar and triple oxygen isotope discrete samples | NPac Cont Ship | lon_360 |
Pacific Nitrite Oxidoreductase | | CliOMZ, MetZyme, PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, TriCoLim, MM Saito, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Long |
Penguin glider | Glider data from southern Ross Sea, 2012 | Penguin Glider | lon |
Pico- and nanoplankton abundance: FCM: EN532 and EN538 | Pico- and Nanoplankton concentrations from ctd cast deployments on Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 | DimBio NABE | lon_360 |
Synechococcus_ETSP | Synechococcus counts from AT15-61 (ETSP2010) cruise. | Syne_ETSP | lon_360 |
Synechococcus_QPCR | Q-PCR counts of Synechococcus clades | Fe_Synechococcus | lon_360 |
UK_Barnacle_Surveys | Semibalanus balanoides populations surveys UK 2011-2012 | EUROWINTER2 | lon_360 |