1d_model_simulations | 1-dimensional data assimilative modeling results for Sta. ALOHA | C-MORE | SPc, TRc, UNc, BAc, PRTc, MZc, LDOMc, SDOMc, DETc |
Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal food web | ug_C |
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema CHN | CHN | Phytoplankton Community Responses | meanC, seC, mean_cd, se_cd |
April 2018 Slover cruise data | ATP & micriobial biomass, Chesapeake Bay 2018 | ATP biomass indicator | Prokaryote_carbon_fg_ml, Eukayote_carbon_fg_ml |
Artificial Reef fDOM | Artificial Reef fDOM | Ecological Diversification in Sponges | Filter_Total_pcnt_C, Filter_Total_C |
Bacterial cell counts and DOC | bacterial abundance and DOC | DOM_SeasonalDynamics | Initial_BC, Stationary_BC |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | C_mg |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | C_mg |
C and N isotopes | CN isotopes | Coral DOM2 | ug_C |
Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen | High latitude kelp dynamics | wt_pctC, C_ug |
Carbon Mineralization | Barataria Bay carbon mineralization and biogeochemical properties from nine soil cores, 2017 | Submerged Wetland Carbon | total_c_g_kg_field, total_c_g_cm_3_field |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Elemental and Isotope Composition Data for Sediment and Biomass | Elemental and Isotope Composition Sediment and Biomass 2020 | Mangroves OS | CPK, CH, OC |
Cellular Trace Elements | Cellular trace elements collected on cruise RR1604 (GO-SHIP transect IO9N) in the Eastern Indian Ocean from March to April 2016 | IO Phytoplankton | Cell_C, Cell_C_flag |
Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P | Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P cruises | Diatom Iron Storage | cellC |
Cellular trace elements from TN280 | Cellular trace elements from TN280 | GeoMICS Bio, GeoMICS Chem | cellC |
CN isotopes seawater and zooplankton | CN isotopes inorganic/organic matter Hawai'i | Coral Adaptation | Carbon |
Core biogeochemical properties, 2018-2019 | Biogeochemical properties at Barataria Basin, Louisiana, 2018 and 2019 | Submerged Wetland Carbon | refractory_c_g_kg, total_c_g_kg, labile_c_g_kg |
Core Fluorescent Indicators Sept 2018 | | Submerged Wetland Carbon | TC |
Core Fluorescent Indicators, March and November 2017 | | Submerged Wetland Carbon | Total_Carbon_Density |
CTD NPP and nutrients | | DANCE | PC |
DDA nutrient acquisition | DDA nutrient acquisition | META-DDA | PC |
EPR 2019 Size Fractionated Organic Matter | | Hot2cold Vents | Carbon |
ETNP 2012 McClane Pump POM | | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Carbon |
ETNP 2018-2019 suspended POM concentrations and isotopes | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | Carbon |
ETNP 2019 size fractionated POM concentrations and isotopes | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | Carbon |
Feeding Trials | Feeding trials using detritus from eelgrass (Zostera marina) genotypes (clones) as a food source and either one or a combination of invertebrate grazers | Genetic Div to Ecosys Functioning | Carbon_pcnt |
Fish stoichiometry | Body stoichiometry of coral reef fishes from the Indo-Pacific | Fish Derived Coral Nutrients | total_c_pcnt |
GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | cellC |
Growth rates and bulk isotope values | Growth rates, bulk isotope values, elemental composition | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | elemental_composition_C |
HMW and LMW DOC 14C | HMW and LMW DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | d14C, d14C_stdev, Fm, Fm_stdev |
HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | mgC, umol_C_per_liter, pcnt_C |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - TN TC DOC DIC DON | Guaymas pushcore nutrients: TN, TC, DOC, DIC, DON | HOTFUN | Total_C_pcent |
Karlodinium veneficum cellular carbon and nitrogen data | growth experiment: CHN values | EcoHAB | Carbon_blank_corrected, C_umol, C_per_cell, C_percent, C_mg |
Lake Michigan Chemistry | Lake Michigan Chemistry | Filter Feeders Physics and Phosphorus | PC |
Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen content | | High latitude kelp dynamics | wt_prctC, mass_ugC |
McMurdo sediment | | McMurdo Predator Prey, Antarctic Benthic Recovery, McMurdo Marine Benthos, SCINI | C |
Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Paleoproductivity, Biogenic Chemical Records, Multitracers II, Multitracers Sediment Traps | Ccarb_flux, Ccarb |
NBST flux measurements | | EAGER DNA BioPump | TC_f, TC_f_err |
Nitrifier CN | Nitrifier CN | CliOMZ | Blank_corrected_C, C_content |
North Pacific Bathycoccus Culture Experiment | Response of Bathycoccus sp. to iron-limitation | Small Euks | Carbon |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | C_amount_micrograms |
OFP Elemental | Mass flux and concentrations of bulk components (Carbonate, Organic Carbon/Nitrogen, Lithogenics, Opal and elements) in the flux at 500m, 1500m and 3200m depths | OFP Sargasso Sea | pcnt_Corg_lt_125 |
Palatability of algal species | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | Percent_Carbon |
Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Isotopes | Palau Coral Reef Experiment 2018: Isotopes | Thermally tolerant coral | a_13catom, h_13catom, s_13catom |
Particles and Zooplankton AA-CSIA | Particles and Zooplankton Amino Acid Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (AA-CSIA) and zooplankton biomass in the Equatorial North Pacific and station Aloha | SuspendSinkPart, Hg_Biogeochemistry | PC |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) isotope data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Carbon_Mass_ug |
Reference samples: carbon nitrogen and isotopes | Reference C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | C_Amount_ug |
Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Seaweed OA Resilience | Tissue_C, DeltaC |
RPO Carbon Isotopic Composition | Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) C isotope values of soils at Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Carbon_Mass |
Sargassum exudation experiments: FT-ICR MS | | Sargassum DOM | C |
Seagrass carbon nitrogen and isotopes | Seagrass C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | C_Amount_ug, pcnt_C_g_per_gDW |
Seagrass nutrients post-Hurricane | Nutrient content and stable isotope ratios from seagrasses in Texas over one year following Hurricane Harvey | Hurricane impacts on seagrasses | umoles_C, pcnt_C |
Seagrasses carbon nitrogen and isotopes - summary | summary C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | pcnt_C_g_per_gDW |
Sediment trap fluxes | | Are Traps Equal | TC_f_D, TC_f_err_D, TC_f_mean, TC_f_err_mean, TC_f_A, TC_f_err_A, TC_f_B, TC_f_err_B, TC_f_C, TC_f_err_C |
Sediment trap salp fecal pellet mass flux | Sediment trap salp fecal pellet mass flux | Salp Food Web Ecology | Salp_Pellet_Mass, stdev_FPMass |
Sediment trap sinking particles | | CaCO3 dissolution | Pct_Total_C_rep, Pct_Total_C |
Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 1B: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_ug, C_detection_limit_ug |
Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 2A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_ug, C_detection_limit_ug |
Series 4A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 4A: POC, PON, chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_ug |
Si Depletion Experiment: EDS and SEM | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | C_At_pcnt |
Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | SiphWeb | ug_C |
Size Fractionated Zooplankton Carbon and Nitrogen | Size fractionated zooplankton C:N, d13C and d15N from EXPORTS | EXPORTS Isotopes | C |
Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | EXPORTS OM Degradation Indicators | C |
Soil physicochemical properties | Soil physicochemical properties of wetland soil cores (Barataria Bay, LA) | Submerged Wetland Carbon | C_pcnt, Recalcitrant_Fraction |
Spatiotemporal characterization of nirK and nirS | Spatiotemporal characterization of nirK and nirS abundance in San Francisco Bay | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | Ctot |
Sr Experiment: EDS | Sr Experiment: EDS | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | C_At_pcnt, C_Wt_pcnt |
SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | pcnt_C |
Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Stable Isotope 13C and 15N | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Carbon_umol |
Stable Isotope measurements – experimental animals | | Egg Boon Food Webs | percent_C |
Stable Isotope measurements – field and lab samples | | Egg Boon Food Webs | percent_C |
Stable Isotopes and Elemental Ratios | Stable isotopes and elemental ratios | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | wt_pcnt_C, wt_pcnt_C_stdev |
Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | DMHg in the Ocean, CCE LTER | Carbon_CONC_SSF_ug_L, Carbon_CONC_SSF_FLAG, Carbon_CONC_LSF, Carbon_CONC_LSF_FLAG |
Suspended particles underway | Suspended particles from ship’s surface intake | Chief Sci KM1910 | PC_GF75 |
Suspended particulate organic matter composition | Suspended particulate organic matter composition of three high marsh ponds within PIE-LTER. Data were collected over 11 weeks in the summer and fall of 2014. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | mg_C_L |
Synechococcus Batch Culture Sampling Data | | StoichTraitD | Grams_C, QC |
Total DOC 14C | Total DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | Fm, Fm_stdev, d14C, d14C_stdev |
Upwelling Experiment Discrete Raw Measurements | Treatment and replicate IDs, as well as discrete raw measurements made for the upwelling experiments | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | PC |
ZEN 2014 Site Survey Data | Eelgrass 2014 Site Survey Data | ZEN 2 | Mean_Leaf_PercC, SD_Mean_Leaf_PercC, SE_Mean_Leaf_PercC |