2017 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | deployment_id |
2017 Wire Flyer CTD data | CTD data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | deployment_id |
2017 Wire Flyer ECOpuck Fluorometer data | ECOpuck fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | deployment_id |
2017 Wire Flyer GPS data | GPS data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | deployment_id |
2017 Wire Flyer Oxygen data | Oxygen data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | deployment_id |
2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | Costa Rica Seeps | deployment_id |
2018 Wire Flyer CTD data | 2018 Wire Flyer CTD data | Costa Rica Seeps | deployment_id |
2018 Wire Flyer ECOpuck Fluorometer data | 2018 Wire Flyer ECOpuck Fluorometer data | Costa Rica Seeps | deployment_id |
2018 Wire Flyer GPS data | 2018 Wire Flyer GPS data | Costa Rica Seeps | deployment_id |
2018 Wire Flyer Oxygen data | 2018 Wire Flyer Oxygen data | Costa Rica Seeps | deployment_id |
ADCP - TRANSPORT Fixed Station Moored | Moored ADCP data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | deploy_id |
Aggregation in the field | | Marine kin structure | D_Group |
Blue crab tethering predation assay | | Habitat Fragmentation | Bobber_Num |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Particulate Carbon Flux | | C-SNOW Development, CCE LTER, C-SNOW | dive |
Cell counts - water | Cell counts from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | LANDER |
chlorophyll | Extracted chlorophyll concentrations from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
Cocos Ridge Porewater Data | Cocos Ridge Porewater Data v2 | CDISP 2021 | Deployment |
Deployment history of sensors | Deployment history of sensors recording dissolved oxygen. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | deployment |
DISC: Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | deploy_id |
DISC: Depth, Temperature, and Salinity | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | deploy_id |
DISC: Temperature and Light | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | deploy_id |
Dispersal distance | | Marine kin structure | deployment |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
dissolved oxygen and barometric pressure | Dissolved O2, percent O2 saturation, and barometric pressure from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
DON concentration and DON d15N | Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and d15N | Microbial Nitrification, N2 fixation ETSP | deployment |
drifter CGoA | Drifter buoy data collected by NOAA/PMEL/EcoFOCI | NEP | deployment |
Field Sampling: BLAMM HPLC data | | VBLAM | Trip_Code |
Field Sampling: Hydrologic data | | VBLAM | Trip_Code |
GN01 Aerosol Nitrate | Aerosol Nitrate (NO3) from US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | deployment_number |
Groves Creek: ADP current profiles | ADP | GrovesCreek | deployment |
Groves Creek: fluorescence and turbidity | fluorescence and turbidity | GrovesCreek | deployment |
Groves Creek: temperature, depth, salinity (Seabird MicroCat CTD) | CTD-MicroC | GrovesCreek | deployment |
Groves Creek: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (YSI 600 OMS sonde) | T, S, O2 | GrovesCreek | deployment |
HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES | Deploy_No |
Harris Creek May 2015 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Raw files from low-power SoundTrap recorders and hydrophones | Larval settlement soundscapes | deployment |
High-Frequency CO2-system observations from a moored sensor in the York River | | Estuarine Stressors | Deployment |
In situ sediment oxygen demand and infauna | Processed in situ sediment oxygen data (SOD) | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | deployment |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, PO4, SiOH4) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
Isolates | Isolates from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | LANDER |
MAPCO2 - Buoy | MAPCO2 Buoy Data | SO_GasEx | DeploymentId |
MAPCO2 - SAMI-CO2 | MAPCO2 SAMI-CO2 Data | SO_GasEx | DeploymentId |
MAPCO2 - Temperature | MAPCO2 Temperature Loggers Data | SO_GasEx | DeploymentId |
McLane Pumps - Summary | McLane Pumps - Summary | SIRENA | deployment_num |
Middle Marsh 2014 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Raw files from low-power SoundTrap recorders and hydrophones | Larval settlement soundscapes | deployment |
Moorings - ADCP | Moorings - ADCP Data | RISE | Deployment_Id |
Moorings - Metadata | Moorings - Metadata | RISE | Deployment_Id |
Moorings - PRESSURE | Moorings - PRESSURE Data | RISE | Deployment_Id |
Moorings - Temp Sal O2 pH | Temperature, Salinity, dissolved O2 and pH from SeapHOx Moorings | SeapHOx | Deployment_No |
Moorings - TEMPERATURE | Moorings - TEMPERATURE | RISE | Deployment_Id |
Moorings - WATER TEMP and SALINITY | Moorings - Water Temp and Salinity | RISE | Deployment_Id |
Moorings - WIND SPEED | Moorings - WIND SPEED | RISE | Deployment_Id |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment geochemistry | OC1703A and AT36 sediment pore water geochemistry | Deep Sediment N Fix | Deployment |
Park phase data | Float park phase data collected at depth. | RapAutParticleFlux | deployment |
Particulate Th-234 Activities | Particulate Th-234 Activities | Chief Sci KM1910 | Pump_Event_ID |
Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Chief Sci KM1910 | Trap_Event_ID |
pH | pH measured at the PICO time-series station from 2010 to 2012. | PICO | deployment |
Profile data | Float profile data collected during surface ascent. | RapAutParticleFlux | deployment |
salinity | Salinity measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
Seabird and marine mammal sightings | Seabird and marine mammal observations during Drake Passage transits and coastal zone operations. | DrakeBioGould | deployment |
Seaglider observations at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | | Glider Ocean Metabolism | seaglider_deployment |
secchi depth | Secchi depth measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
Sensor calibration data | Factory and field calibration data for float oxygen, beam transmission, backscatter, chlorophyll fluorescence and CDOM sensors from the Sargasso Sea from 2013-2014 | RapAutParticleFlux | Float_profile |
sonobuoy_whale | Sonobuoy (Whale-acoustic) data | SOGLOBEC | deployno |
Squidpop Assay | | Habitat Fragmentation | Bobber_Num |
temperature | Water temperature measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |
Trench CFUs | CFUs from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | LANDER |
turbidity | Turbidity measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | deployment |